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Product Data Sheets • Safety Data Sheets • Labels
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are updated at a minimum every five years. Product Data Sheets are updated when a new product is introduced, when a significant formulation change occurs and/or if there is a significant change to the preparation and application of a given product.
Please ensure you read the current Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet before specifying or using Resene products. Please discuss your project with your local Resene ColorShop team, Resene Technical Representative or reseller to ensure you have the right products to give you the best quality finish for your specific project. If in doubt, please contact us.
Search within the different sections using product names or keywords. You can combine keywords with and, or & not, and you can group clauses with quotes e.g. "vintage wax". Use * as an end-of-word wildcard.
Please click on the beginning letter of the product you require to jump down the list e.g. "S" for Sandtex. To view a Data Sheet you will need Acrobat Reader.
Also see products sold by Resene ColorShops, but made by other suppliers, or Resene products only available from China Paints, Resene Pacific or Resene Automotive & Light Industrial. › Additional info/downloads (VOC, dangerous goods, label key etc) › BPIR › Safety Data Sheet batch updates › Recommendations for 20°C
Key: Plant Based Paint
Eco Choice
SDS = Safety Data Sheet (B) = Base (H) = Hardener (Fr V) = French Version, Technical Data Sheet
✭ We are updating the format of our data sheets to allow more space to add in extra information. These will be updated over the new few months, starting with Resene Woodsman Cedar Natural Wood Oil. The new data sheets will be available as a html page and a pdf once loaded.
› EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
Aquaclear Satin: Water, Minerals (Amorphous Silica), Resin (Formaldehyde free), Wax, Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Fatty Amide, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Aquaclear Semi Gloss: Water, Minerals (Amorphous Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Aquaclear Gloss: Water, Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
ClinicalCote Low Sheen White: Water, Minerals (Feldspar and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Cellulose, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
ClinicalCote Satin White: Water, Minerals (Feldspar and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Mineral and Silicone Oils, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Data Sheet: D54a
SDS: NZ (flat & gloss) / (satin) | AU
Concrete Clear Flat and Gloss: Water, Minerals (Amorphous Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Concrete Clear Satin: Water, Minerals (Amorphous Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Data Sheet: D508
SDS: NZ / (ConcreteWash) | AU
Water, Minerals (Limestone, Titania, Talc and Clay), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Lumbersider Low Sheen White: Water, Minerals (Limestone, Talc and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
› EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
Lustacryl White: Water, Minerals (Amorphous Silica and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Mineral and Silicone Oils, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Non-Skid Deck & Path – Ultra Deep tone: Water, Minerals (Limestone, Feldspar, Talc and Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Cellulose, Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Non-Skid Deck & Path – White tone: Water, Minerals (Limestone, Feldspar, Titania, Talc and Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Cellulose, Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Product discontinued - use Resene AquaLAQ Quick Dry instead. View products starting with "A"
Resene colours are available in Resene Powder Coating. Click here for details.
› EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
SpaceCote Flat White: Water, Minerals (Clay and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Mineral and Silicone Oils, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
› EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
SpaceCote Low Sheen White: Water, Minerals (Feldspar and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Wax, Mineral and Silicone Oils, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
› EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)
Summit Roof Semi-Gloss White: Water, Minerals (Feldspar and Titania), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Silicone Oil, Alcohol, Soap, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
Data Sheet: SIPDS No.1 Replaces Data Sheets D84 and D85.
Data Sheet: SIPDS No.2 Replaces Data Sheet D82 and D87.
Data Sheet: SIPDS No.3 Replaces Data Sheet D83.
Data Sheet: SIPDS No.4 Replaces Data Sheets D89 and D801.
Data Sheet: SIPDS No.5 Replaces Data Sheets D802 and D803. Replaces Data Sheet D86 (refer Section 4: Smoke or Fire Damaged Surfaces)
Walk-on – White tone: Water, Minerals (Limestone, Titania and Silica), Resin (APEO free and Formaldehyde free), Cellulose, Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Soap, UV Absorber, Preservatives < 0.1%, Non-toxic Trace Ingredients < 0.1%.
You can create your own winterised version of selected Resene decorative waterborne topcoats using Resene Wintergrade Additive or for orders 200L+ Resene can mix it for you.
Dry time and recoat times of waterborne paints are determined by environmental conditions - a combination of temperature, humidity and air flow. Dry and recoat times of solventborne paints are determined by temperature and air flow.
The dry and recoat times included in Resene technical information, such as labels and Product Data Sheets, are measured by the Resene Technical Team at 20°C. You can apply in temperatures above or below 20°C, which may cause the coating to dry faster or slower. Factors other than temperature may also affect drying and recoat. For example, for waterborne coatings humidity and air flow – higher humidities and low air flow will slow drying, low humidities and higher air flow will encourage faster drying. In cooler temperatures and higher humidities allow extra time for drying and recoating. In cooler conditions such as winter, ensure you finish painting early so your paint has time to cure. Resene offers additives that assist with drying, such as Resene Wintergrade Additive for cooler weather, Resene Hot Weather Additive for warmer weather, Resene Brushing Additive for a smoother finish and Resene Umbrella Additive for light showers. See our advice for the best weather for painting. If in doubt, ask your Resene ColorShop staff, Resene Technical Representative or contact us for help.
Product | Description | BPIR |
X-200 / X-200 CoolColour™ | Acrylic weathertight membrane coating | View PDF |
X-300E | High build elastomeric membrane coating | View PDF |
Product information coming soon...
Resene Automotive & Light Industrial operate separately to Resene Paints Ltd. Visit their website to view their SDS and data sheets.
All SDS all have a date of issue and remain current until updated – either when there is a product change or after 5 years, whichever is sooner. SDS are normally released in batches during the year so at times the 5 year mark may come up and the SDS renewal may be included in the next available release of SDS.
Due to changes in legislation, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are now known as Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
SDS batch updates:
See the monthly batch updates for the previous six months below. Monthy updates may have additional updates within the same month. Load dates are noted by the download.
Other SDS downloads:
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