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Neighbourly hand

Anne’s neighbour is a wonderful 72 year old retired single man who is such a very good friend who always helps her around her garden. However, his own home is in such need of renovating and Anne could no longer see him living in this sad state. Slowly little by little Anne has been renovating his home.

The soft dusky tones bouncing off the Resene Casper walls is cosy and calming.

This year they went to the Blenheim Resene ColorShop to buy wallpaper, paint, sealer and brushes and sandpaper to do up the lounge and front room. They removed all the skirting boards and sanded the window frames and put up new wallpaper and painted the colour Resene Casper on the walls.

Anne had a good friend who gifted their unwanted carpet and painted the French doors and internal doors in the living room Resene Black.

It is an inviting lounge to sit in now and so warm and cosy on those cold winter nights. With the warm evening lamp light glowing from the corner, the soft dusky tones bouncing off the Resene Casper walls is cosy and calming.

Blue and white lounge
Before renovation
Lounge entranceway
Before renovation

Thanks to Anne.

Decorating inspiration gallery 2020


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