For her evening outdoor entertainment area, Simone wanted the splashback to create an instant party vibe inclusive of the pizza oven, but all in pastels.
Perth resident, Simone Sainken commissioned Sharron Tancred to design, manage and paint an outdoor kitchen splashback artwork die-cut around a pizza oven and secured behind three matching sheets of glass. She wanted her cat portrayed in the mural too.
Given the long-haul by truck and outdoor conditions, painting the artwork in Resene Lumbersider onto custom-cut treadplate aluminium was ideal.
For her evening outdoor entertainment area, Simone wanted the splashback to create an instant party vibe inclusive of the pizza oven, but all in pastels. After discussion, it was agreed that art depicting a twilight scene with pastels against a deeper twilight base would make sense.
Working to the client's vision, Sharron drew schematics, sketches and finally, the artwork itself, spread across three trestle tables.
After cleaning down the galvo, it was primed with Resene Galvo One as anti-corrosive protection against any moisture entering the splashback. Following painting the hues in Resene Lumbersider it was sealed with Resene Concrete Clear which being archival and acrylic, will not yellow in natural light.
Painting custom murals using Resene Lumbersider ensures excellent value, perfect viscosity and vibrant colour with Resene Hot Weather Additive to extend the application time. Creating the floating feeling and light effect over almost four metres was a challenge overcome with foam rollers and sponges.
Resene Meteorite, Resene Eden, Resene Highlight, Resene Venice Blue and Resene Rose Of Sharon, all outlined in Resene Marathon, express the magical hues of twilight. Similarly, and for a cohesive effect, Resene Apricot, Resene Witch Haze, Resene Shocking, Resene Alo Alo, Resene Seagull and Resene Java, are used as rich mid-way and pastel tints of their darker counterparts.
This work was painted over ten days. Glasscapes cut the glass using the artworks as templates ready for the splashback installation process.
Artist: Sharron Tancred
Client: Simone Sainken
Freight from Brisbane to Perth: World Options
Glass manufacture, die-cutting, installation: Paul Roberts, Glasscapes
Treadplate aluminium sheets: Action Aluminium
Project: Resene Total Colour Awards 2020
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