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Painting during pregnancy

From the putting your safety first section

In general Resene recommends that you should not paint during pregnancy.

Waterborne paints contain very low levels of solvents and some none at all, such as the Resene Zylone Sheen Zero with no added VOCs. Thus the risk from exposure is very small. However, there are still potential hazards to be avoided. The stretching action when painting walls and ceilings or putting up curtains, if overdone, can cause problems during pregnancy. Of course climbing up and down step ladders etc. is also an underlying risk.

However, if you have some small projects, such as painting a picture frame or a cot and have decided to paint these items then the following is recommended:


Always consult your doctor or midwife if you have any concerns before carrying out a project when pregnant.

Learn more... The low odour eco-friendly way to paint your child's room


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