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A fence you can be proud of

From the Resene decorating blog

Fences can have a huge impact on the way you feel about your home as they are often the first thing you see when you get home and something you see every time you look out the window or enjoy your backyard, if you're lucky enough to have one.

A dark stained fence

A fence stained with Resene Woodsman penetrating oil stain – Resene Banjul CC. To view more of this project see "Stained fence"

A weathered, worn or peeling fence is an unwanted reminder that it needs some attention. Luckily keeping your fence looking good is relatively straightforward.

For a quick and easy option with little prep required, you can choose an exterior wood stain, like Resene Waterborne Woodsman. To prepare the fence simply wash down with Resene Timber and Deck Wash following the instructions on the pack. Allow to dry and then start staining. Wood stains generally need to be applied every couple of years, with just the same quick prep each time. Resene Waterborne Woodsman is available in a range of colours from the Resene Exterior Woodcare chart.

The other option is to choose a solid colour finish, like Resene Lumbersider waterborne low sheen, which is self priming on timber. This is a great option if you want a solid colour finish (i.e. you won't see the wood grain) and you don't want to have to do the job again for many years. A solid colour finish applied well will last much longer than a stained finish will. However if left too long, a solid colour finish may require much more prep work when you come to repaint, especially if you have peeling paint to contend with. Resene Lumbersider is available in thousands of colours and can be painted to match your home if you wish.

While these are the two most popular Resene finishes on fences, there are other options available for those who prefer a wood oil finish, like Resene Woodsman Wood Oil Stain or a higher sheen paint finish, like Resene Sonyx 101 semi-gloss waterborne paint.

If a gate is part of your fence area, this can generally be finished in the same paint or stain as the rest of the fence depending on the gate's style and material.


Resene Timber and Deck Wash is recommended for washing all exterior timber surfaces prior to painting or staining. For new timber, ensure surface is dry and free from dirt, dust and loose fibres. For exposed timber (greater than one week), remove any gross contamination and semi-detached cellulose fibres and treat the surface for mould using Resene Moss & Mould Killer. For existing stained surfaces, remove all the weakly adhering coating by sanding and treat the surface for mould using Resene Moss & Mould Killer.

Stain your fence - Select cleaning products

Stain your fence - wash surfaces
Wash surfaces

Stain your fence - stir paint and stains
Stir paint and stains

Stain your fence - apply finish
Apply finish

Keep your paintwork cooler with a Resene CoolColour™

A Resene CoolColour looks like a normal colour but thanks to special pigment technology it reflects more of the sun's energy, so it doesn't get as a hot as a standard colour would. The colours work by reflecting energy in the near and far infra-red region of the spectrum even though they absorb strongly in the visible region.

Resene CoolColour technology is available in a range of Resene premium paints and stains, including Resene Waterborne Woodsman and Resene Lumbersider, suitable for a wide range of exterior projects, especially where dark colours are planned. Ask your Resene ColorShop staff whether a Resene CoolColour finish is right for your project.

Resene Banjul

› View the habitat plus – 1 look 4 ways – exteriors booklet for more exterior ideas.

February 10, 2004

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