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New trends in wallcoverings

Choosing wallpaper is an emotional journey, looking for that particular style that syncs with your taste and complements your interior.

Factory III Collection wallpaper
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From an individually commissioned mural wall design to the variety of styles that are mass produced, the exercise can be exciting and daunting at the same time as there is so much to choose from.

Feature walls are where most decorators like to play by adding a bit of their own personality to a space and the styles we see trending in this area offer quite contrasting results.

A look that over the last few years has evolved into a dominant trend is the industrial style. Indeed it’s more of a movement in interior styling than just a one off trend, it crosses over into the Steam Punk aesthetic, incorporates urban wasteland images as illustrated by distressed brick walls and faux concrete. It also crosses over into the 3D trend with some of the realistic rendering of brick and metal plate designs. Even coastal elements are displayed with weathered timber.

It’s grunge, it’s punk and it’s very popular internationally. Down here, it’s best illustrated by the faux grungy brick wall designs that popular. Try the Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection.

Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Factory III 439908-1
Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Factory III 446302-1
Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Factory III 475029-1
Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Facotry III 475210-1
Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Factory III 514483-1
Resene Factory III Wallpaper Collection
Factory III 939712-1

Another movement in interiors is a move away from minimalism and a return to maximalism.

This is best illustrated in wallpaper with the growth in botanical inspired designs.

In contrast to industrial, and in line with a maximalist look, Tropic Exotic is a trend that is inspired from lush tropical flora and fauna.

For those wanting to dress their walls with banana palms, jungle ferns, flamingos and all things tropical, there are a number of collections to tempt you. Try collections such as the Resene Ashford Tropics Wallpaper Collection, the Resene Glasshouse Wallpaper Collection, the Imaginarium Wallpaper Collection and the Resene Vivid Wallpaper Collection.

Resene Ashford Tropics Wallpaper Collection
Ashford Tropics 7092
Resene Glasshouse Wallpaper Collection
Glasshouse Dusty Pink Grey
Imaginarium Wallpaper Collection
Imaginarium 12382
Resene Vivid Wallpaper Collection
Vivid 384505 & 384500

Complementing this style, florals are a returning trend for wallpaper. They are always in the decorative landscape waxing and waning through various periods. Their current incarnation has more of an artistic, painterly approach that catching much attention.

Designs have been almost lifted off the canvas of the Dutch Masters and transformed into wallpaper. The look can be quite dramatic and makes for a striking statement wall.

The Resene Masterpiece Wallpaper Collection is a great example of this look, while the Resene Botanicals Wallpaper Collection offers a variety of floral styles, and the Resene French Impressionist Wallpaper Collection offers a softer painterly approach.

To complete this return to nature, a trend that has continued to grow is the Woodland scene. Birch tree designs are popular in this area along with softer forest vistas of woodland landscapes viewed from a distance. Try the Resene Pohjola Wallpaper Collection and the Resene Solaris Wallpaper Collection.

Resene Masterpiece Wallpaper Collection
Masterpiece 358110
Resene Botanicals Wallpaper Collection
Botanicals R-61021VS-K
Resene French Impressionist Wallpaper Collection
French Impressionist 6B-FI71800M
Resene Pohjola Wallpaper Collection
Pohjola 266-1 Harju
Resene Masterpiece Wallpaper Collection
Masterpiece 358116
Resene French Impressionist Wallpaper Collection
French Impressionist 70702
Resene Botanicals Wallpaper Collection
Botanicals mf81008
Resene Solaris Wallpaper Collection
Solaris fj020114
Resene Pohjola Wallpaper Collection
Pohjola 5219-3
Resene Pohjola Wallpaper Collection
Pohjola 5237-1

Fashion trends are cyclic, and in keeping with the cycle, geometrics are making a comeback. The simple linear geometric look appears to have the most appeal. Try the Resene Scandinavian Style Wallpaper Collection.

The most dominating trend that still remains number 1 after many years of being in the top spot is textural product. The top 40 designs are packed with textural options.

Textures are versatile and easy to use throughout a house and not just on feature walls. They are usually displayed in a colour palette that provides a neutral background to any interior, the perfect backdrop for most interior furnishings.

Textural looks that are very popular at the moment are textile linen, canvas and hessian, while faux rock, granite and stone, are also on trend.

Most collections will have a good showing of textural product, however the go to collections for textures are the Resene Habitat Wallpaper Collection, the Resene Whites and Neutrals Wallpaper Collection, the Resene Wall Textures Wallpaper Collection and the Resene Wallpaper Italian Textures Collection.

Resene Scandinavian Style Wallpaper Collection
Scandinavian 34124-3-34216-1
Resene Scandinavian Style Wallpaper Collection
Scandinavian 34137-1-34133-2_2
Resene Whites and Neutrals Wallpaper Collectio
Whites and Neutrals 25711
Resene Wallpaper Italian Textures Collection
Italian Textures 35180

In keeping with the yearning for a more natural look, we are also seeing a rise in the popularity of grasscloth designs.

And if you can’t find the right combination of wallpaper and colour, create your own winning combination using Resene Paintables Wallpaper Collection and Resene paints.

Finally, not forgetting another old favourite that’s never gone out of fashion, the Resene Paintables Wallpaper Collection continues to remain a popular medium for wallcoverings. Its attraction is primarily the ability to disguise a poor wall surface and to paint it with your own colour preference. Look for traditional tile design patterns along with more heavily profiled textures.

Thanks to Dave Abbotts, Aspiring Walls.

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