From habitat magazine - issue 06, editorial
One of the themes for this issue of Habitat is “Before and After”.
If there’s one thing that fascinates when it comes to renovations, it’s comparing how a home looks today with what was there before its facelift. What changes were made and why? What building styles and spaces have been combined to create the new environment?
That’s why one of the themes for this issue of Habitat is “Before and After”. We take a look at three homes that have undergone profound change, at the reasons behind their transformation, and at the finished results. And we talk to the homeowners and designers with the vision to see beyond the existing four walls.
From a people point of view, we chat to Chelsea Garden Show award winner Xanthe White, catch up with a back-yard carpenter for whom toy boxes have become more than a hobby, and investigate the business brain behind Ronald McDonald House in Auckland.
We don’t forget those tips and tricks, either. How would you go about painting your own artwork? What’s the best way to get lipstick out of carpet? What should you think about when planning your new laundry? You’ll find the answers right here, along with lots of other autumn reading.
And finally, thank you for the huge amount of feedback that continues to flow in from our readers. Your comments, suggestions and questions are always gratefully received, so do keep them coming!
Rachel Macdonald editor
It wasn’t so very long ago that video recorders were the latest and greatest technology for the home, yet today they have been superceded by DVD players, web downloads and who knows what else is around the corner?
A short dash back in history, and we’d find that solventborne paints were the norm and paint odours were something you put up with because you had no choice. Now, waterborne paints are commonplace to the extent that you can select waterborne paint systems for virtually all project types. And not only are waterborne paints better for the environment, but they’re also better for the health of the painter… and we all know how much easier it is to wash out a brush in water.
Colour options have also expanded dramatically – in the good old days, if you bought a product from Resene you might have a grand choice of six shades. With the expansion of the Resene Multi-Finish range and the Resene Total Colour System, there are now thousands of colours to choose from, and if you still can’t find the one you want, sophisticated colour-matching techniques mean your exact requirements can still be met.
And if you wanted detailed information on the paint you were using, a couple of decades ago chances are you wouldn’t have been able to find it. The internet was relatively unknown, there were no WAP sites, extensive product catalogues were few, and most questions could only be answered from nine to five. Internet access has changed all this, with destinations like the Resene websites jam-packed with everything from technical information to hints and tips, all there to be read, downloaded and printed on demand. And Resene has been working hard to make more and more information accessible on our websites, so customers can find what they need when they need it, no matter what time of day or night. So, next time you’re hunting for paint information or are stuck for inspiration, come in and visit us at or www. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, drop us an email. Happy surfing!
The Resene team
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Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.
If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat, we’d love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.
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