From the Resene decorating blog
Vastu is somewhat of an Indian equivalent to Feng Shui, based on related elements but interpreted in a different manner, yet still providing guidelines for creating a harmonious home or space.
Feng Shui has developed quite a following as a guideline for designing spaces that are comfortable and harmonious to live in, guiding selections from paint colours through to furniture and accessories positioning to maximise the flow of positive Ch'i throughout the home or building.
Vastu is somewhat of an Indian equivalent to Feng Shui, based on related elements but interpreted in a different manner, yet still providing guidelines for creating a harmonious home or space. Its purpose is to align the spaces we live and work in with the beneficial effects of universal life energy to maximise the vitality and freshness of our surroundings. It understands that the earth is a living organism from which other living organisms emerge. The aim is therefore to balance the inner world of the building with the outside atmosphere. It is believed that Vastu predates Feng Shui, with evidence of its existence dating back thousands of years.
Vastu focuses on settings that allow the occupants to absorb the maximum benefit of the five elements – fire, water, earth, space and air and also factors in the effect of the magnetic field surrounding earth and the sun's rays. All materials on earth have origins in one or more of the five elements and exist on an undetectable vibrational level. Each element is associated with a particular direction – fire is southeast, water is northeast, earth is southwest, space is the centre, air is northwest.
Primary sources of energy on earth are the North and South poles with magnetic energy flowing uninterrupted between the two. Vastu encourages one to take advantage of these flows ensuring that the southward side of a building is higher than the northward side so as not to hinder the flow of the magnetic waves.
Opening up the home to more morning sun to bring in the maximum amount of light, through the introduction of windows, doors and balconies on the side of the building exposed to morning sun, is an underlying goal. Afternoon sun is considered less beneficial as the rays are comprised of more heat than light, emitting more potentially health damaging infrared rays.
Manmade technology is tuned and tested so that all elements work perfectly in relation to one another – if one tyre on a high performance car is suddenly deflated the performance of the car is severely hindered regardless of the skill of the driver. This hindrance is due to the loss of balance. In a similar manner, when one decorates or builds without considering Vastu, a hindrance may accidentally be built into the design that acts as a defect in the proper function of the building and its occupants. This will result in accidents, illnesses and leave the building and its occupants prone to disasters. A home or building developed in conjunction with Vastu will work in harmony with itself and the occupants and the strength of this will protect it against harm.
Vastu homes are based on Vastu Purusha Mandala, a square made up of at least nine smaller squares representing compass directions such as north, south, west, northeast and so on. Each direction is associated with specific properties that can be used as guides in decorating and placement enabling one to create a space that better supports the occupants and looks and feels better. Respecting nature is a vital element to achieve this balance. Based on the elements there are ideal placements for rooms, furniture, furnishings and accessories to give the most positive environment for the occupant. The more positive the space, the better the outcomes, such as health and wealth, for the occupant.
Building with Vastu shows a preference for square or rectangular buildings ideally located on a square or rectangular sites with water, though water features can be added if water is absent from the area. Natural materials such as stone, brick and wood are preferred.
Today Vastu has assistance from technology with instruments available internationally that measure the magnetic field of the house occupant thus uncovering potential defects in the home or building. Feng Shui and Vastu do interpret the path to harmony differently so if you are considering following such guidelines for creating harmonious spaces you will need to carefully select one of the two to follow as trying to combine disciplines of the two together is likely to result in conflicting requirements and enforced compromises preventing you from achieving the maximum harmony you are seeking.
June 03, 2006
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Feng Shui