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Mural Masterpieces – Bob Byrne Memorial Park

Best Professional Mural | 1st Place Winner

Mural Masterpieces
Bob Byrne Memorial Park mural

Bob Byrne Memorial Park, 42 Great South Road, Taupiri.

Brigita Mana Bell.

Accessible to public:

Mural theme:
The story of Taupiri.

Background to mural creation:
Brigita was asked to paint this mural and tell the story of Taupiri’s post-colonial history as recounted by the local marae. The stories were given to Brigita and from there the mural was designed and painted. The mural depicts the historical Kaitotehe School located in Taupiri. When it was around (1849 onwards), it became the first school in New Zealand that accepted both Maori and Pakeha students. The mural also depicts the rich flora and fauna of Taupiri.

The story of Taupiri themed mural

Best Professional Mural | 1st Place Winner

Bob Byrne Memorial Park mural - 2


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