This upright planter is ideal for where space is limited, or as a wall of planting on a deck or patio.
You will need: 1.8m treated fence palings (x 7), 8g x 65mm exterior screws, coarse sandpaper, drill with 10mm drill bit, offcut of fence paling, paint stirrer, paintbrush, pencil, Resene Waterborne Woodsman tinted to Resene Limed Gum, saw, screwdriver, tape measure.
Top tip: For safety reasons, ensure the unit is securely fixed into its final position at the base and sides to prevent it from blowing over in strong wind.
To get the look: Mark filled the planter boxes with good quality potting mix and planted them with a selection of spring colour including cyclamens, pansies and marigolds.
Words & photos Mark Rayner
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