b"sharedspacesIt would be a rare couple that agreed entirely on exactly how to decorate so deciding on a space that appeals to both can be tricky.Blues and greens are often safe choices as they are calming and relaxing, and tend to be universally appealing. Try Resene Duck Egg Blue or Resene Secrets for a soothing colour that will help send you both off to sleep.Another approach is to blend your stylesdecide which bits you can each live with and which you cant. You can approach it as you would picking a team at school, adding elements one each at a time.Go homewares and furniture shopping together; this will also give you insight into each others tastes. Use neutral colours on the walls, such as Resene Bianca or Resene Rice Cake, then add items in a style or colour you each like: cushions, ornaments, rugs, etc.Working from home has become increasingly common and often bedrooms or guest bedrooms have to double as office spaces. To make sure work doesn't creep into your relaxation time, create separate zones using colour to 30|"