By buying this product you are helping to support the recycling of paint and paint donations to charities and community groups in New Zealand to improve public and charitable spaces.
To date enough paint to cover over 2 million square metres of graffiti has been donated
RE:Paint is a low sheen/satin paint finish made from recycled waterborne paint, recycled in New Zealand through the Resene PaintWise recycling service.
Resene PaintWise is the only paint product stewardship programme accredited by the Ministry for the Environment.
By buying this product you are helping to support the recycling of paint and paint donations to charities and community groups in New Zealand to improve public and charitable spaces. To date enough paint to cover over 2 million square metres of graffiti has been donated.
RE:Paint is available from selected Mitre 10 stores in Auckland, Bay Of Plenty, Waikato, Hawkes’ Bay, Wellington and Christchurch. Keep a lookout for RE:Paint in other regions soon.
Don't use it on roofs, working joinery, flooring, wet areas or high contact areas as these areas require specialist paint.
Ensure the surface is in sound condition, dry and free from dirt, dust, loose material and salt. Remove accumulated windblown salt by washing with Resene Paint Prep and Housewash (see Data Sheet D812).
If mould is present, treat with Resene Moss & Mould Killer (see Data Sheet D80).
Treat efflorescence on masonry.
Water blasting is the best surface preparation prior to painting of weathered cementitious surfaces, galvanised steel and Zincalume.
Fill cracks and holes in timber after priming. Fill cracks and holes in interior walls before sealing.
Round all sharp timber edges. Any bare timber surface that has been left exposed to the weather for more than one week must be thoroughly sanded or treated with Resene TimberLock (see Data Sheet D48).
If using on cementitious surfaces, ensure they are fully cured or treated with Resene Limelock (see Data Sheet D809) before coating. Under cured cementitious surfaces can significantly affect the performance and colourfastness of applied paint.
All sanding dusts can be harmful. Always wear appropriate protection. Seek expert advice if working with lead, chromate or asbestos based materials or surfaces.
Bare timber - Resene TimberLock is recommended on all bare timber that is to be painted.
Dark colours can cause the rapid drying of damp timber. A coat of Resene Wood Primer (see Data Sheet D40) will slow the rate of drying and lessen the danger of warping.
Follow the special coating requirements of construction sealants and fillers.
New, sound cementitious and fibre cement substrates do not normally require a primer but priming with Resene Concrete Primer (see Data Sheet D405) is recommended to achieve the best long-term performance. Prime smooth/glossy cementitious surfaces, including GRC, with Resene ConcreteSeal 3 in 1 (see Data Sheet D409) to achieve topcoat adhesion. Spot prime nail heads (not galvanised) with Resene ArmourX Rust-Arrest (see Data Sheet RA30A). For galvanised nail heads use Resene ArmourX GP Metal Primer (see Data Sheet D411).
Seal all surfaces (except timber) which are in poor condition, affected by efflorescence, friable, powdery or chalky with Resene Sureseal (see Data Sheet D42).
Repaints - spot prime all bare areas with the same primer shown for new work and proceed as for new work.
As all paint is recycled, colours will vary batch to batch and may be different to the colour shown on pack. If painting one area, please use the same batch number for the full project for consistency. If you need more than one pail for a large area, mix the pails together for colour consistency. If starting a new pail, start at a natural join, such as the corner of a wall.
Apply two coats in the required colour by brush, roller or spray allowing at least two hours between coats.
Coverage: 12 square metres per litre per coat. The spreading rate recommended for this product will achieve hiding in two coats for most colours. Increased spreading rates can be used but additional coats may be needed to achieve hiding.
Dry time (minimum): Touch dry 60 minutes at 20°C. Do not apply at temperatures below 10°C or when temperatures are liable to drop below this during the drying period. Drying is slowed by low temperatures and high humidity. Do not apply under damp conditions.
Maintain good ventilation throughout the drying and curing period to ensure the paint is properly cured. Poor ventilation may inhibit curing and performance.
Clean up with water while wet.
In hot conditions thin with up to 5% Resene Hot Weather Additive to slow drying.
Find out more about the Resene PaintWise recycling programme