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Glove Up! Use personal protective equipment

Glove Up

Protect yourselves and others while working with solvents.

These web resources have been created by Annette and Tony Gibson to provide basic information on the dangers of using solvents in the workplace and how to protect yourself from exposure. The information is provided as a guideline only and not as a replacement for professional advice.

The Glove Up campaign was started in response to the death of, and as a dedication to, their son Jason Gibson. Jason passed away on the 12th of November 2003 aged 29 of Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia.

For 2½ years Jason’s mother (Annette) along with his wife (Sonia) researched the cause of his death. Through this research ACC concluded that his (Leukaemia) death was classed as “Industrial Death through Solvents”. 

Please take the time to read and share these resources to help keep you and your fellow workers safe so you can all enjoy many happy years with your friends and family.

Gloveup campaign - be aware!
Gloveup campaign - be aware!

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