Resene Popular Paint Systems –
Concrete, plasters and cement-based substrates: training notes
This web page is an edited version of the Resene Best System Selling training notes provided to Resene staff and is provided to enable you to gain a greater understanding of the substrates and paint systems you may encounter in your decorating project. It is impossible to cover all decorating scenarios in a single document, so if you are in doubt about any aspect of your project please contact Resene for assistance.
Select the substrate you will be painting from the list below to view how to prepare and finish the surface.
Preparation flowcharts
Topcoat systems flowcharts
Note: Refer to the PDF flowchart for a visual of the steps below:
Refer to appropriate preparation chart
Thoroughly wash to remove surface contaminants
Is waterproofing an issue?
i) An optional glaze coat of Resene Multishield+ (now Resene Concrete Clear) may be applied to increase durability and dirt resistance
ii) Resene Uracryl clear glaze may be used as an anti-graffiti glaze coat
For this section on commercial buildings we have not included high rise buildings. Also many older commercial buildings will typically fall into the heritage, Art Deco or masonry categories.
Most recently constructed commercial buildings will at least in part be clad with a cementitious product, usually either:
These substrates are usually used in combination with other building products, such as COLORSTEEL® or COLORBOND®.
Anti-graffiti coatings may be required – often a Resene Uracryl glaze coat is applied up to 3 metres high in areas that are likely to be ‘tagged‘. Graffiti is more difficult to remove the longer it is left on the wall and if the surface is textured or rough. Please contact Resene for more information on this option.
For a building that is already painted, our best recommendation would usually be Resene Sonyx 101.
A glaze coat, such as Resene Sun Defier or Resene Multishield+ (now Resene Concrete Clear), will extend the life of the paint coating and is ideal for signage and where the building has been painted in identifiable corporate colours, which are typically strong shades. This will extend the time until the next repaint or the longer the paint will retain its original colour, important for signage and defining colour schemes.