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Coloured stains

Resene paint effects projects, project 03

Create a multicoloured tea tray using Resene Colorwood interior wood stain.

Stain a tea tray
Use coloured stains to decorate a tray

You will need

  • 240-400 grit sandpaper
  • 25mm paintbrush
  • Cotton cloth
  • Masking tape
  • Paper towels
  • Wooden tray

Project tip

See the Resene Colorwood colour chart for a full range of interior stain colours.

How to stain a tea tray

Step 1
Step 1

Step 2
Step 2

Step 3
Step 3

Step 1:  Sand tray in the direction of the timber grain and remove all the dust. If the tray is made of MDF a light sand with 400 grit sandpaper is sufficient. Always stir woodstains thoroughly before and during use as the pigments will settle to the bottom, which may cause the colour to appear uneven when applied to a larger area.

Apply a smooth, even coat of the Resene Colorwood Oregon woodstain in the direction of the wood grain. Wipe off any excess with a cloth and leave to dry.

Step 2:  Before stencilling the tray, do a practice run on a scrap of paper. Very little stain is required on the brush otherwise it will bleed under the stencil and you will lose the definition of the design. Pour a little stain onto the lid of the pot and load your brush from there. Rub the excess off on a paper towel and pounce gently onto the stencil. When you are happy with the result, start on the tray.

Step 3:  Check that the stencil will fit into the area that you have available. If it has to be centred, measure the tray, mark the centre and attach the stencil in position with masking tape then work out either side from there. Apply the Resene Colorwood Rosewood woodstain to the selected areas of the design. Lift the stencil off, wipe clean and move onto the next section. Complete all the red areas. Do not wash the brush, as water in the brush will thin the stain down. Instead, clean it by rubbing the stain off on a paper towel. Place the stencil over the design and use the Resene Colorwood Dark Ebony woodstain for the border.

Step 4
Step 4

Step 5a
Step 5

Step 5b
Step 5

Step 4:  Each time the stencil is lifted to a new position, wipe it clean with a paper towel to remove stain build – up that could cause unsightly blobs on your work.

Step 5:  Once the first coat has been applied, you may apply a second coat to darken the colour. Thoroughly dry. Use a small artist brush and a little stain to finish off in the corners or any areas that need tidying up.

Step 6:  Apply two to three coats of Resene Aquaclear waterborne polyurethane to protect the surface.

Step 6
Step 6

Detail of colour stain stencil
Closeup of tray

Detail of colour stain stencil
Closeup of tray


Download this project as a PDF

Project by Janet Scard. Photography by Joseph Zou.

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