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How to create wallpaper animals

Habitat bright ideas with Fleur Thorpe – DIY projects

Create a zoo inspired wallpaper mural for your children's room, using leftover wallpaper and make an artwork to keep them company at bedtime.

Wallpaper animals
Wall colour – Resene Eighth Canterbury Clay
Skirting board colour – Resene Half Rice Cake
Headboard colour – Resene Biscay

You will need


Step 1:  Find some animal silhouettes online and size them so that they will be big enough. Fleur measured the width of the wallpaper that she used for the elephant and then made the elephant the same height. To maximise the size or your animal turn your wallpaper to suit the animal. For a tall animal such as a giraffe turn the wallpaper to portrait orientation, for long animal turn your wallpaper sideways. Re-size your remaining animals so that they are proportionate size to each other.

Print the images out and use a pair of scissors to cut them out.

Step 2:  Use the cut-out to trace around on the back of the Resene wallpaper. Use scissors to cut this out.

Step 1 - Choose some animals Step one

Step 2 - Trace on wallpaper Step two

Step 2 - Cut out wallpaper Step two contd.

Step 3:  Repeat for all the animals.

Step 4:  Use Blutac to attach the animals to the wall so they can be easily removed later. Or you can apply them like normal wallpaper.

Top tip: If you can’t find wallpaper in colours to suit, paint Resene testpots onto Resene Anaglypta wallpaper, allow to dry then cut out your chosen shapes.

Step 3 - Cut out animals Step three

Elephant Project detail

Rhino Project detail

Styling and images by Fleur Thorpe, 2019.

Habitat bright ideas
Need to add colour, pattern or a little creativity to your place? Check out these easy step by step DIY project ideas created in collaboration with Fleur Thorpe. We hope you enjoy making and painting these bright ideas and bringing colour to your home inside or out.

Fleur's projects | Habitat bright ideas


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