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making a fence

From Habitat magazine - issue 08

There’s nothing smarter than a simple paling fence, especially when you’ve built it yourself!

Supplies for making a fence
Supplies required

You will need:

Equipment: wheel barrow, posthole borer, nail gun, level, concrete mixer, circular saw, tape measure, power box and leads, safety equipment.

How to build a paling fence:

Step 1Step 1
Step 2Step 2
Step 3Step 3

Step 1: Decide where you wish to position your fence by using a string line attached to two pegs. Position the line to indicate where the front of the posts will be.

Step 2: Using a posthole borer, dig holes at both ends of the string line for the end posts, positioning these to brush the string line. Brace each post securely.

Step 3: Work out the spacing for the intermediary posts by measuring the distance between the two end posts and splitting this evenly. Using the posthole borer dig the holes, and set the posts, ensuring they are level, ready for the concrete footings.

Step 4Step 4
Step 5Step 5
Step 6Step 6

Step 4: Clear each hole of any debris and mix your concrete. When pouring the concrete be mindful of the area surrounding the hole. Continue to check the alignment of each post using a level as the concrete sets.

Step 5: Once the concrete is set, you are ready to fix the rails. Cut the rails to the correct length; tack a small block to one post and rest the rail on this while you fix the other end to the next post. Continue doing this between each post.

Step 6: With all the posts and rails in place, it is time to fix the palings. This can be quickly done by using a nail gun. Remember when spacing the palings that timber shrinks over time. You can leave the fence uncoated or finish it in your choice of paint or stain. Popular fencing finishes available in an extensive range of colours are Resene Lumbersider waterborne satin or Resene Waterborne Woodsman penetrating stain.

Finished fence
The finished fence

More comprehensive instructions can be found on

words and pictures: With thanks to Hirepool

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