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super mum

From Habitat magazine - issue 27, spring/summer 2017/18

Let one creative mum loose on the walls and the result is three happy kids.

When Zoe and Mark Hembury renovated their house, the kids’ rooms were the first to be tackled. Working on them when the kids were asleep, Zoe discovered a deep well of creativity that saw the remarkable results you see here. And of course, her kids are pretty happy!

Beach hut fun

Their son Archie was adamant that he wanted a beach hut, which Zoe built from scratch and ombred in a number of Resene testpots. The interior is painted in Resene Malibu and there’s even a cubbie hole at the back accessed through curtains.

The wall behind the hut is undercoated in Resene Magnetic Magic so Archie can use sea-themed magnets on the wall and use his magnetic fishing rod to ‘catch’ them. The rocks and caves were painted in Resene Stack, Resene Half Tuna and Resene Trojan, the sand is Resene Witch Haze with detailing in Resene Gorse, Resene Solid Gold metallic and Resene Paris Daisy. The sky is Resene Malibu and the sea and rockpools are mostly Resene Charlotte with detailing in Resene So Cool metallic, Resene Malibu, Resene Curious Blue, Resene Anakiwa, Resene Endeavour and Resene Alabaster.

Beach hut mural

Dr Seuss comes calling

When Zoe decided to paint a mural in the new baby’s room, she and Mark didn’t know if they were having a boy or girl so the theme had to be unisex. She fell in love with the Dr Seuss landscapes and trees, so that seemed the perfect choice. Deciding that the small room would be overwhelmed with a full-wall mural, Zoe painted the lower half of the walls in Resene Alabaster and used wood trim at dado height. She then painted her freehand interpretation of Dr Seuss scenes with various Resene testpots with the main sky colour in Resene Anakiwa. Baby Skye has since arrived.

Beach hut and Dr Seuss

May the force be with you

Zoe began this Star Wars themed wall by painting it in Resene Cinder, but needed it to look a bit more spacey. So she mixed Resene Cinder and Resene Blast Grey 1 metallic for the perfect amount of sparkle. She then made the spaceship out of wood (painting it in a mix of Resene Alabaster, and Resene Scotty Silver and Resene So Cool metallics) and backlit it with a strip of LEDs that can change colour by a remote control.

Star wars room

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