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red's the one

From Habitat magazine - issue 24

Red makes for a fun feature wall.

Red feature wall

After a couple of years in their new house, these homeowners knew there was something missing. That 'something' was a bit of personality and character. The house was mostly decorated in neutral colours, including bathroom walls in Resene Double Alabaster, and while that was relaxing, it wasn't very interesting.

They sought help from interior designer Debra DeLorenzo who, as part of a wider plan, refreshed their main bathroom with a lick of Resene Bright Red paint. Her job was made more straight-forward by the fact that the bathroom already sported its bright red clawfoot bath, complete with silver feet.

As the bathroom is used by the couple's daughters, adding a row of 'flying' buzzy-bees and a Mary Lou doll on the wall was an apt way to accessorise. The bright red wall doesn't stand alone; Debra used red in other parts of the house as an accent colour as well as some darker neutrals.

Top tips for bathroom colour

When it comes to bathrooms and kitchens, designer Debra DeLorenzo sees paint as a fashion accessory. "New paint or wallpaper can make such a dramatic change, and all in just a weekend. I have a client who changes the colour of her kitchen walls twice a year either for a fashion colour or one to reflect the season."

Here are her tips for using colour in bathrooms:

pictures: Nicola Edmonds

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