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Like it now and like it later

The Beechey family wanted to create a room for their two girls that would appeal to them both now and through their teenage years, without having to redecorate.

Like it now and like it later -feature childrens feature wall.

They both love colour so having a plain room was never an option. A close friend helped out with colour and design ideas. She set up a Pinterest page where the girls could add pictures of things they like. She could then access the page and create a look for their new room.

It’s a very sunny room so the biggest wall was painted, for the biggest impact, in Resene Eastern Blue, adding some giant white spots to break up the expanse of colour and to add a bit of fun.  On the wall around the door they painted wide black and white stripes, which is very striking and the other walls are Resene Black White to blend with the crisp, white blinds and their contrasting black borders.

Girls room feature wall spots
Girls room bed and desk

They also used fluoro colours – Resene FX Fluoro Pink, Resene FX Fluoro Green and Resene FX Fluoro Orange - around the pinboards, for the girls’ names on the wall and a bright strip down the edge of the door.  A gallery wall by the door is a handy place for the girls to hang bits of artwork and pop-culture and a few Minion decals are placed around the room and can be easily removed when they are no longer a favourite.

Instead of ugly desks, they found a round dining table at an Op Shop, painted it white, and now they can do their homework together with plenty of room to spread out. An added benefit is that they can put their photos under the glass top and not put holes in the newly painted walls!

Girls room beds and doors

The room was finished off with a mixture of modern and repurposed furniture and some graphic duvet covers which can be replaced as tastes change.

Both girls love their room. They spend loads of time in there and all their friends love hanging out in the beanbags and dancing in front of the full length mirrors!

Thanks to the Beechey family.

Decorating inspiration gallery 2018


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