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For the boys

Resene PaintsWhen deciding to renovate their boys’ rooms, Kathryn wanted to have them as involved as they could be. Her 5 year picked his main colour, her 4 year old was a little indecisive with his choices of colours, and wanted them all, and her youngest wanted blue. Kathryn’s wonderful friend, and helper on this project, Natasha found these amazing ideas, and helped her to execute them.

The eldest’s love of superheroes shows in the feature wall that Natasha helped to create, down to the superhero calling sign ‘L’. The room is in Resene Yabbadabbadoo with a feature wall of Resene Silver Chalice, Resene Fuscous Grey and a spotlight of Resene Black White and Resene Lochmara.

The middle son’s room is the smallest of the house, so the main colour was kept an off white – Resene Black White. They needed something to suit his bubbly personality, so Natasha found an idea for a feature wall, which was modified to allow for his colour choices – Resene Wild Thing, Resene Wham, Resene Yabbadabbadoo, Resene Splish Splash, Resene Half Kumutoto and Resene Séance.

The youngest’s room was the darkest space in the house, so needed a light, off white main colour of Resene Half Villa White. Being only two, they wanted something that would grow with him, but also keeping with his ‘blue’ request. The horizontal stripes of Resene Yabbadabbadoo, Resene Dizzy Lizzy, Resene Half Kumutoto and Resene Splish Splash achieved this perfectly - adding in the green stripe brightens up the blues a little. The larger gap is an open space to allow for wall decals, or pictures that can change and grow with him.

All rooms also include Resene Blackboard Paint in black for the children to play on.

Kathryn couldn’t be happier with the end result and neither could the boys!

Resene Paints

Bright with Resene Paints

Boy's bedroom #1 walls Boy's bedroom #1
feature wall
Boy's bedroom #1
feature wall
Boy's bedroom #1
feature wall
Boy's bedroom #1
feature wall
Resene Yabbadabbadoo
Resene Yabbadabbadoo

Resene Silver Chalice
Resene Silver Chalice
Resene Fuscous Grey
Resene Fuscous Grey
Resene Black White
Resene Black White
Resene Lochmara
Resene Lochmara
Boy's bedroom #2 walls Boy's bedroom #2 stripes Boy's bedroom #2 stripes Boy's bedroom #2 stripes Boy's bedroom #2 stripes
Resene Black White
Resene Black White
Resene Wild Thing
Resene Wild Thing
Resene Wham
Resene Wham
Resene Yabbadabbadoo
Resene Yabbadabbadoo
Resene Dizzy Lizzy
Resene Dizzy Lizzy
Boy's bedroom #2 stripes Boy's bedroom #2 stripes      
Resene Half Kumutoto
Resene Half Kumutoto

Resene Seance
Resene Séance
Boy's bedroom #3 walls Boy's bedroom #3 stripes Boy's bedroom #3 stripes Boy's bedroom #3 stripes Boy's bedroom #3 stripes
Resene Half Villa White
Resene Half Villa White
Resene Yabbadabbadoo
Resene Yabbadabbadoo
Resene Dizzy Lizzy
Resene Dizzy Lizzy
Resene Half Kumutoto
Resene Half Kumutoto
Resene Dizzy Lizzy
Resene Dizzy Lizzy

Inspiration gallery 2015
Thanks to Kathryn.



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