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Pride in paint

Resene PaintsAs the Buchanan’s first house, they were very excited to update the original Moroccan inspired interior to modern neutrals that would complement the period of the house. They chose a palette of easy to live in colours, which bring out the beauty of the Matai timbers and complement the luscious green hedging seen from the big bay windows around the house.

The master bedroom is painted in Resene Gunsmoke with a Resene Fuscous Grey feature wall around the bay window. The office and bathroom are both finished in Resene Quarter Napa. The bedroom is finished in Resene Gelato and Resene Genie. The hall and entrance are painted in Resene Half Stack, which moves to full strength Resene Stack and Resene Maxwell Smart in the living room and Resene Maxwell Smart in the dining room. To complete the interior palette the kitchen, wash house, and second toilet are finished in Resene Half Lemon Grass.

Outside the home is finished in Resene Half Napa and Resene Ironsand with the fences and garden edging stained with Resene Pitch Black.

As first time painters they had a few interesting moments. The finish isn’t picture perfect but they found doing the decorating themselves made the paining project that much more special to them. They had so much fun during the process and are looking forward to being able to sit back and enjoy it!

Resene Gunsmoke with a Resene Fuscous Grey feature wall

Resene Quarter Napa

Resene Maxwell Smart in dining room

Resene Half Stack

Resene Half Napa and Resene Ironsand with the fences and garden edging stained with Resene Pitch Blac

Resene Gelato and Resene Genie

Master bedroom Master bedroom Bedroom Feature wall Office and bathroom
Resene Gunsmoke
Resene Gunsmoke
 Resene Fuscous Grey
Resene Fuscous Grey
 Resene Gelato
Resene Gelato
Resene Genie
Resene Genie
Resene Quarter Napa
Resene Quarter Napa
Hall and entrance Living room Living room / dining room Kitchen Laundry / toilet
Resene Half Stack
Resene Half Stack
Resene Stack
Resene Stack
Resene Maxwell Smart
Resene Maxwell Smart
Resene Half Lemon Grass
Resene Half Lemon Grass
Resene Half Lemon Grass
Resene Half Lemon Grass
Exterior Exterior trims Fences and garden edging    
Resene Half Napa
Resene Half Napa
Resene Ironsand
Resene Ironsand
Resene Woodsman
Resene Woodsman Black

Inspiration gallery 2013
Thanks to the Buchanan family.



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