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Decorating inspiration gallery

Derived from nature

Exterior colours

This new retirement home reflects healthy living and saving the environment using low VOC products and minimising the use of hydrocarbons. Energy saving features include passive solar heating of the main rooms and the sunway and solar water heating on the roof. Rain water is collected from the roof.

The colour schemes are derived from nature, or more specifically from a rock picked up from a nearby beach. This natural inspiration was translated to Resene Hillary, Resene Double Hillary and Resene Eighth Hillary for the exterior base, walls and soffits respectively to complement Thunder Grey for the joinery and roof and the Scoria trim for the fascia. Internally the colour scheme blends with the outside, and with the French tapestry featuring a yachting scene bought for the house.

The interior colours are Resene Thorndon Cream with Resene Alpaca, and the much stronger Resene Raging Bull behind the tapestry and on the kitchen splashback opposite. The main bedroom features Resene Sanctuary with Resene Slate Brown following through to the ensuite and the walk in wardrobe. The other bedrooms are Resene Chill Out and Resene Tranquil with Resene Tranquil repeated in the bathroom. The bathroom also features Resene Paua trim to the white tiles complementing the blue glass block window.


Feature wall and Lounge

Lounge colours

Hallway and Bathroom

Exterior base Exterior walls Soffits Main bedroom

Resene Hillary

Resene Double Hillary

Resene Eighth Hillary

Resene Sanctuary
Interior colour Interior colour Behind tapestry and
kitchen splashback
Main bedroom and ensuite

Resene Thorndon Cream

Resene Alpaca

Resene Raging Bull

Resene Slate Brown
Bedroom Bedroom and bathroom Bathroom trim  

Resene Chill Out

Resene Tranquil

Resene Paua

Inspiration gallery 2012
Thanks to the Williams family.



Decorating inspiration gallery
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