Welcome – We’ve all done it – pondered long and hard over the paint colour charts, worried over our interior colours, bought armfuls of Resene testpots to check out those choices. Are they too bold? Or are they too blah?
And while it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to repaint the walls if we get it wrong or you feel like a change, getting it right the first time does feel good. And a happy homeowner means a happy Resene customer.
Which is why we’ve devised this helpful booklet to let you see how different rooms and styles of interiors – from living rooms to nurseries, traditional to modern – look in various colour schemes. We’ve taken photographs of existing homes, then virtually painted them with alternative schemes to show you the difference that paint colours can make. There’s a mix of schemes from calming and neutral through to bolder and, well, challenging.
So take a look through these pages for inspiration, head down to your local Resene ColorShop or reseller to pick up your Resene colour charts and testpots… and start painting.
Happy decorating!
The Resene and habitat teams
If you’re about to create a colour scheme and don’t know where to begin, here’s a six-step process to get you started... more
If you have the space for one, an entrance foyer is a blessing. It creates a sense of arrival, it’s a place to pause, and to help lead you to where you want to go next... more
The classic central hallway of a character villa cries out for a bit of creativity... more
The sculptural lines of these tub chairs and the clean white of the leather makes them a stand-out feature against any wall... more
Nowadays, we love open-plan living, frequently allowing the spaces in our homes to run seamlessly into one another... more
Fireplaces often figure in our interiors, not just as a generator of warmth but for their visual appeal... more
Fireplaces often figure in our interiors, not just as a generator of warmth but for their visual appeal... more
When a kitchen is part of an open-plan space, it needs to be integrated in both colour and style... more
A great kitchen needs to fulfil a multitude of purposes... more
Here, retro-based vintage colours are used for the new-look rooms, inspired by the furniture... more
This simple, elegant and streamlined dining room calls for a similarly sophisticated choice of paint... more
In our open-plan living spaces, dining tables are often left to float, unanchored, somewhere between the kitchen and the sitting area... more
Feature walls are a wonderful tool because they allow us the freedom to make significant changes on a regular basis... more
While our bedrooms are primarily places of rest, they’re also a very private spot... more
Stripes are going up, down and across walls, floors and ceilings... more
There is no place as full of potential as a child’s room when it comes to letting your decorating imagination run riot... more
A beautiful looking highly functional bathroom is an essential part of any home and getting what you want can be pricey... more
Look a bit closer and you will see that the stripes on the wall of this bathroom are painted on with a paint roller freehand... more
The rich detailing of this corner cries out for clever combinations of colour... more
And greens, and even pink! Many of us these days have very streamlined laundries, cleverly hidden in cupboards... more
Studies are working spaces that also need to be slightly stimulating in order to keep users ‘on task’... more
Want to get your own free copy of future issues of habitat magazine?
Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.
If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat plus, we'd love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.
habitat plus are not mailed directly. They are available free from Resene ColorShops and resellers while stocks last and available for viewing online.
View all habitat plus booklets
› View seasonal colour trends
› Choose colour with confidence and creativity
› View all habitat magazine issues + Feature homes | Feature gardens | Kitchens | Bathrooms