From Habitat plus - decorating and colour trends 2018
Let colour be the cue for space definition.
As we seek a life of multiple purpose, our spaces and possessions need to do the same. A living space includes a study, a dining area and a reading nook. A bedroom morphs into living or study. Or becomes a retreat in which to watch streamed media.
We divide spaces into zones where we decorate to share with guests as well as creating very personal areas that are for us alone. We seek separation and function at the same time as we seek togetherness and mutable purpose. And as our homes shrink, our spaces grow in use.
Colour defines space in new ways. It visually anchors a desk top or bed to the wall, makes a dining space distinctive, or defines an entry.
Half-painted walls, two feature walls not one, a tone change of colour… it’s all possible with paint.
Top tip: Use high contrast to exaggerate the boundaries between spaces – use light with dark, and let colours happily clash.
Left: Complementary colours red and green give energy to this living space. Which is the feature wall? You decide.
Right: Define an entrance way or hall not in a different colour, but by adding a tonal colour to create a mock dado.
Left: A change in wall colour – Resene Sea Fog and Resene Half Chateau Grey – and a shelving unit in Resene Steam Roller are used to divide this bedroom and living space. The floor is Resene Colorwood Greywash, the chair and plant stand are Resene Nero, the top pot is Resene Organic and the vase and cactus are Resene Grass Hopper.
Right: A sharp green lower wall in Resene ASAP anchors the desk and defines a study space. The upper wall is in Resene Dusted Blue, the filing cabinet is in Resene Seachange, the trestle legs and a shelf crate are Resene True Blue, the plywood desk top is finished in Resene Aquaclear, a shelf crate and rubbish bin basket are Resene Whirlwind, the chair is Resene Alabaster and the floor is Resene Colorwood Walnut wood stain.
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