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From Habitat plus - decorating and colour trends 2018

Discover your creative side; personalise your interiors.

As we rebel against a culture of mass-production, we yearn for personalised spaces that have meaning. We want to connect with our environment, to be be hands-on and say “I did it my way.” Original and often off-beat injections of artistic expression serve to counteract the passive, soulless consumption all around us.

Our homes are our happy place, a place where we can just be ourselves, and indulge in new experiences. Something we can re-invent whenever we want.

Now we can turn decorating into a personal journey of self-expression – painting a pattern on a wall, upcycling old furniture, painting pots, knitting a throw or crafting a cushion. We’re rediscovering our creative sides.

The pace of change and bombardment of trends has helped (not hindered) this flowering of individual expression. The confusion of ideas makes us stop and think about what we really want and love.

Just one testpot… It only takes a Resene testpot or two to kickstart a creative project. Build your confidence by starting small then add some more testpots or pots of paint to your collection and move onto bigger endeavours like feature walls. Check the latest fashion fandeck for on-trend colours to try for your next project.

Personalised interiors
Left: This paint effect was achieved by simply layering stripes of paint, applied with a small sponge roller, onto the wall using a background of Resene Breathless, with Resene Escape, Resene Galliano, Resene Papier Mache, Resene Sandbar and Resene Coast. The side table is in Resene Coast, the short vase is Resene Good As Gold, the tall vase is Resene Dark Side and the floor is Resene Sandbar.

Right: A dramatic swirl of Resene Turbo sweeps up the wall of this fun living space. The wall is in Resene Tangaroa, and the floor is Resene Colorwood Greywash.

Painted mural / freehand painted metallic links
Left: Surprisingly easy, this cool artwork was created by randomly painting on Resene Rumour Has It, Resene Desperado, Resene Dawn Chorus, Resene Popcorn and Resene Dusted Blue, then masking a grid over the top and painting the entire wall in Resene Quarter Spanish White. Remove the tape to reveal your personalised artwork. The door is Resene Tussock, the vintage ladder is Resene Taupe Grey and the vase is Resene Hot Toddy.

Paint freehand metallic links on a Resene Tangaroa wall in Resene Copper Fire.

Ombre wall / painted mural
Left: The new ombre is this subtle cloud-effect wall created by using a colourwash technique with Resene Half Raven, Resene Grey Chateau, Resene Double Concrete and Resene Half Concrete. The tall vase is Resene All Black, the narrow vase is Resene Celebrate and the bowl is Resene Aloha.

Right: A quick and easy mural made of ‘cross-stitch’ paint strokes. The wall is painted in Resene Half Opal, the bedside table is Resene Soft Apple and the cross-stitch colours are Resene Sisal, Resene Parchment, Resene Caper, Resene Pale Leaf, Resene Soft Apple and Resene Moon Glow. The floor is Resene Colorwood Greywash.


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Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.

If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat plus, we’d love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.

habitat plus are not mailed directly. They are available free from Resene ColorShops and resellers while stocks last and available for viewing online.


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