b'Far left: In this toasty lounge, the back wall is painted Resene Merino, the return wall is in Resene Alabaster, the floor is in Resene White Pointer, the table is in Resene Double Bison Hide, the peg stool is in Resene Sunbaked and the artwork was created using testpots of Resene Sunbaked, Resene Raging Bull and Resene Shabby Chic.Left: California cool meets the desert heat in this fundiningspace.ThespicinessoftheResene Sunbaked chair, pot and stool are accentuated by the creamy Resene Half Spanish White walls. Thedesert-sunsetvibeisfurtherenhancedby tonal layers of the peachy, sandy shades of Resene Shabby Chic and Resene Despacito. Anchor the look with a Resene Colorwood Whitewash floor to keep it grounded in nature.Resene ReseneSunbaked Raging BullResene ReseneShabby Chic SambucaResene ReseneDespacito AlabasterResene ReseneMerino White Pointer Above: The wall in this relaxed looking lounge isAbove: Simple and nurturing with a strong Scandi Resene Resene paintedReseneRiceCake,thefloorisinResenevibe, a relaxed space like this one with walls in Resene ColorwoodDoubleColorwood Rock Salt and the wall on the left is inPoured Milk can be layered up with other on-trendWhitewash Bison Hide Resene Crowdpleaser. Create your own DIY wall arthues or a range of neutrals. The hooks and stool are using Resene Rice Cake, Resene Crowdpleaser, Resenepainted Resene Napa and the DIY artwork was created Sakura and Resene Double Ash. usingResenePouredMilk,ReseneNapa,Resene Check out the Resene Whites &Sambuca and Resene Thumbs Up. Neutrals collection, available in palettes or as a fandeck, to find a Resene ColorwoodResene ReseneResenewhole range of neutrals from whitesRock Salt Sakura Poured Milk Sambucaand off-whites through to black andResene Resene ReseneResenenear-blacks. Crowdpleaser Double Ash Napa Thumbs Up|13'