b'kitchenGet the hand-painted cabinetry look with Resene Lustacryl Kitchen & Bathroom tinted to Resene Washed Green. ReseneWashed GreenColour advice:Janette Anderson, Resene ColorShop, DevonportReseneCentaurian AboveThe coloursfrom a collection of Get the look with Art Deco vases inspiredResene SpaceCote Low the scheme. The interiorSheen Kitchen & of this shelf is in ReseneBathroom (walls) and Scandal.Resene Lustacryl (trims LeftCheryl and Jon wereand joinery) tinted to keen to incorporate theResene Alabaster. sunburst motif from theReseneoriginal stained glassAlabasterwindows as a design feature. It was copiedLights: Circa 1930and laser cut onto the cupboard doors.Applicances: BoschThe cupboard doors and carcasses were painted (by hand, of course) in the retro-esque tones of Resene Washed Green with small areas ofReseneButtery Whitearresting contrasts inspired by the colours in Cheryls Art Deco vase collection. A happy turquoise, Resene Scandal sings in the displayCabinetry:alcovebehindthevases,whilethetongue-and-groovebookcaseOpus Libero,that sits under part of the breakfast bar is a strong mid purple,www.opuslibero.co.nz Resene Centaurian. Cheryl chose the colour scheme herself but also took advice from Janette Anderson from the Resene ColorShop in Devonport who was amazing. Id go in there with these bonkers ideas and shed come up with the answers every time. ReseneJanette suggested using Resenes fly deterrent additive in the ReseneScandalAlabaster cornices and ceilings. Its worked really well right through last summer, says Cheryl, while the warm neutral of Resene Butterytop tipWhite is used on the walls.WhenweboughtthehouseoneoftheneighbourstoldusitMinimise fly spots on ceilings with was originally built in 1922 for a music teacher and her plastererResene Fly Deterrent. Designed to discourage flies from sitting onhusband, remembers Cheryl. So it seems right somehow that thethe painted surface, it reduces the beautiful ceilings are still here and so too is her music room. And byappearance of unwanted fly spots.using colours that were popular at the time weve managed to blend the two eras and retain the best of both.picturesFrances OliverResenewordsCatherine Foster Retreat 60'