b'step by stepfloor with flourish Use a French wash effect and a simple pattern to top tip beautify your floor.InsteadofusingResenePaint Effects Medium, you might like to use Resene Waterborne ColorwoodYou will need:Rock Salt for the background and ResenePaintEffectsMedium(askyourReseneWaterborneColorwoodResene ColorShop for the right quantity Raincloud for the diamonds. Youfor your area of floor)can then cover this with two toOnetestpoteachofReseneWhiteandthreecoatsofReseneQristalClearFloortintedwithwhite,Resene Gunsmokewhich must be applied by brush. Onewidepaintbrush(dependingonEachcoatwillincreasethewidth of your boards)whiteness, so you can choose to Onetestpotbrushuse just Resene Qristal ClearFloor untinted once you have achievedMaskingtape Craftknifethe desired whiteness. Smallwallpaperroller EmptytinandstirrerReseneSandingblockand220-gritsandpaperWhite (optional)ReseneReseneQristalClearFloorurethaneDrumbeat ReseneGunsmokecrafted by Philippe Morinpictures Tony Brownjohn62'