b'Even though, in the end, it probably cost them aroundand the amount of water people are using, says Shona. that amount to go it alone, Shona and Danny decided toAnything that heats uses a lot of power, so we cook on a make their own power.gas range and our radiators run off the hot-water cylinder. We like to do things a little differently, says Shona.We do have the odd power cut, but its never for long.And there was also the principle, too. At the end of 2006, Shona and Danny put in a wind Shelteredfromcoastalconditionsbyhighmountaingenerator similar to those used on ocean-going boats. ranges, Central Otago enjoys a unique climate, similarA diesel generator also provides backup in the middle to that of the Mediterranean, with hot, sunny summers,of winter. All the mechanical systems required to keep cold, snowy winters and minimal rainfall. And so the Raesthe house running are housed in a central control room drew on this abundance of sunshine and harnessed thebehind the range in the kitchen.wind coming in off the lake.Obviously, were very aware of power consumption. We In order for the 16 roof-mounted solar-powered panelsalways turn the appliances right offhaving them on to produce the maximum amount of heat, they had to bestandby uses about 10% of your power, says Shona. pitched at 45 degrees. They feed through to a 16-batteryWe had to import our fridge and freezer from Denmark, converting from DC to 240V AC for use in the house.becausetheyweremuchmoreenergy-ef cientthan An additional eight-panel loop closed solar water heating anything we couldnd here.systemisusedtoheatwaterforshowers,andis While the Raes home might be powered by the sun supplemented by a coal range, via a wet-back, connectedand wind, its dcor is also inspired by nature, thanks to the hot water cylinder.to the input of interior designer Jocelyn Morrison from You do have to keep an eye on the length of showersCreation Design Studio in Queenstown. She devised a | 41'