b'words: Rachel Macdonaldpictures: courtesy of DcoR Pebblethatrocks!Hands up those for whom xeriscaping is a new term. Developed in Colorado, its a landscaping approach centred around water-conscious garden design.Water, in Vermont, Melbourne, is a precious resource.to transforming his tennis court into a more aesthetically Andthatsnotconducivetogardensdesignedalongpleasing outdoor space.traditional European lines and featuringfullowerbedsCurrent water restrictions here are very rigid, so I needed of brightand thirstyexotics.to let go of water-thirsty mainstream garden concepts. At the same time, the answer doesnt have to be a sterile,However, I didnt see it as a question of giving anything plant-free backyard. This is what homeowner Geoff Ilesup; it was more about acknowledging and embracing was thinking when he decided to take a local approachour beautiful Australian landscape, which is enriched by 128 |'