b'Annually season your non-enameled cast iron hotplate to protect against rust, add avour and retain a non-stick coating. Super-heat your dry, non-oiled hotplate, then cover with a layer of salt. Continue heating the hotplate while stirring the salt every few minutes until it turns a cinnamon colour. Remove salt and apply a light coating of oil.For more barbecue tips see www.bbqfactory.co.nz. Step 4Wash cooking surfaces with sponge, warm water and mild detergent. Step 5Dry surfaces with a paper towel and coat with cooking oil for protection.Every six months Step 6Remove burners and check burner necks for spider webs or insect nests.Step 7 Scrub burners with soapy water, and brush with wire brush to clean out ports. Replace and dry by lighting each burner.| 83'