b' Step 7 -.- Select other areas of your picture and/or other colours byto paint them. Ifse - the Paintclicking on them and u u = buttonusing coloursyo== ==would like tofrom =:= try = another chart, click on the paint swatch == - underSelected Colour heading and - the - - select newthe Colour options. ==~ . _.shades using Step 8 Once you are happyyour picture, with save and print ifthen you-"\'you wish, and~ ::;;=!__l can start on another colour scheme or a~:: ,- I J-== =-\'!- I~ new picture. You can save up toof=====\'=~=============i three""-your own colour schemes per picture using My Projects and add in your own notes. Step 9 There are hundreds of gallery images for you to paint and thousands of ~ colour combinations, and you can evenlS Help create your own colour palettes and project databases. And then, of course, you can virtually paint your ownEzyPalnt Help project. Just make sure you print out the EzyPalnt Instructions, available online at www.resene.eo.nz/ezypaint/ maln.htm orthe EzyP CD, and onaint follow them as you go. In next to no time, you\'ll be an expert virtual painter. habitat79'