b'picks + tricksG iventhatvividbluesarecurrentlyexperiencingtop tip colours in their full glory. And that also makes these hues epicright: Back wall in Resene Wild something of a renaissance, I cant think of a betteroptions for feature walls in living rooms, bedrooms, offices andBlue Yonder, right wall and pencil timetohaveevenmorebraveandboldcolourtheatre-type spaces. The surface prep is exactly the same ascup in Resene Ultramarine, options on the table. When Resene asked me to be the firstResene ultramarine blues arewhen you use regular Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen. Once thependant lamp, vase, plant pots designer to try out the colours from their brand-new limitedavailable in Resene A4 drawdownsurface is ready, apply the required Resene Acrylic Undercoatin Resene Black White and textured artwork created with edition ultramarine palette, its safe to say I was beyond thrilled. paint swatches and tinted in Reseneand allow it to dry before painting your topcoatsand threeResene EzyFill topcoated in Ultramarine is an ultra-special pigment. Its made from lapisSpaceCote Low Sheen. Ordertopcoats are recommended. Resene Black White. Chair lazuli, a highly-prized mineral that began being mined in Afghanistanswatches of these hues online atFor projects with walls and ceilings where you want or need afrom Bauhaus, desk from Target as far back as 7000 BC. For millennia, the stone was used to craftwww.resene.com/drawdowns. higher sheen level, you can overcoat Resene ultramarine bluesFurniture, plinth and sculpture valuable artefacts, including statues, beads and masks for only thein Resene Concrete Clear flat, satin or gloss. Since trying thefrom Public Record. richest and most prominent political and religious figures. By theovercoating method myself, my head has been spinning with ideasbelow right: Background in end of the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli began being exported to Europefor how it could be used on projects. For instance, I would leap atResene Wild Blue Yonder, BlackWhite editor Laurawhere it was first ground into powder and made into ultramarinea chance to first paint a wall in Resene Lapis Lazuli or Reseneplinths and rocks in Resene Ultramarine and vase in Resene Lynn Johnston shares her which is widely considered to be the finest and most expensiveArtisteandthenoverpaintageometricdesignusingReseneBlack White. Sculptures and of all blue pigments. During the real Renaissance and BaroqueResene Wild Blue Yonder B24-006-283 Concrete Clear gloss. Despite the mural being all in the same top tips for bringing Resenesperiods, ultramarine was used by some of the most prominentbeyond colour, the contrast in sheen levels would be clearly noticeablemobile from Public Record. Projects by Laura Lynn Johnston, beautiful new limited-editionartistslikeMasaccio,Perugino,TitianandVermeerwhooftenand increase the visual texture and interest in the space. images by Bryce Carleton.sea the Resene Artiste V25-035-290blues to your next project. reserved the precious hue for the clothing of the central figures ofWhen it comes to the complexities of these colours, I thinkResenetheir paintingsespecially important religious ones. thebestwordtodescribethemisotherworldlywhichis The Resene Beyond the sea palette itself is special, too. The sixwhat inspired me to channel the deep beyond in my colour andBlack WhiteResene BrillanteV27-083-292colours included on it, ranging from a blackened ultramarine bluesheen experimentations. While the brilliance of these ReseneResenethrough to an exuberant lighter blue, are the first instances thatultramarine hues is something weve tried our best to capture theLapis Lazulithis ultramarine pigment has been used to make paint locally. SoResene Lapis Lazuliessence of in the imagery on these pages, theres just nothingReseneV30-099-292given that it is such a unique colourway, it also requires a uniquelyquite like experiencing them in person. Dramatic, moody, exotic,BrillantetonedbasewhichhasonlybeenformulatedforResenebrilliant and striking all at once; I simply cant wait to see all theReseneSpaceCote Low Sheen. That means these incredible colours areResene Ultramarinecreative ways youll put them to use.Wild Blue YonderV35-134-291reserved for interior settings only. While that may seem like that limits your options for designing with them, weve come up with some clever tricks to stretch their creative uses further. Resene Azur dAcre B50-126-281Firstly,ReseneSpaceCoteLowSheenisgenerallythe recommendedchoiceforbringingenamel-styletoughnesstoresene.com/beyondtheseabroadwall areas. And given that the blues in this ultramarine palettearesuchrichandvividhues,itsidealthattheyre available out of the tin in a low sheen finish that doesnt sacrificeright: The new Resene Beyond the sea durability. The finish greatly reduces reflected glare from interiorpalette features six brilliant new colours made spotlighting, accent lighting, task lighting or sunlight streamingfrom authentic ultramarine pigment: (from in from outside, so your clients get to view these extraordinaryleft to right) Resene Azur dAcre, Resene Ultramarine, Resene Lapis Lazuli, Resene Brilliante, Resene Artiste and Resene Wild Blue Yonder. These hues are only available left: Wall and tabletop in Resene Wild Blue Yonder, circles in Resene Brilliante,tinted into Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen, sculpture and rocks in Resene Ultramarine and vases in (from left to right)however, you may adjust the sheen by Resene Lapis Lazuli, Resene Artiste, Resene Brilliante and Resene Azur dAcre. applying a topcoat in Resene Concrete Clear flat, satin or gloss. Backgrounds in Resene Resene Resene Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen, balls clear coated in Azur dAcre Ultramarine Artiste Resene Concrete Clear gloss.20 blackwhitemag.com blackwhitemag.com 21'