From the Resene decorating blog
It's a necessary step for creating any beautiful minimalist space, and we have some tips so you can get it done like a professional.
Crafty DIYs to declutter and enhance your entryway.
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We have already taken a looks at the wonders of minimalist interior design, and how it can create a strong, clear statement for your home. The right whites and neutrals can complement this type of decorating plan excellently but before you decide on your hues, there might be some work to do with what is already in your home. We mean, of course, the process of decluttering.
It's a necessary step for creating any beautiful minimalist space, and we have some tips so you can get it done like a professional.
It's often tempting to go out and buy the storage pieces you know will fit your minimalist theme immediately, but it's not the best idea. Furniture stores offer so many creative and enticing solutions that can be hard to ignore, but it can happen that you end up with no space to put them once you work out exactly what you are removing from the home. Worse, you can end up with shelves that have no use.
Begin by cleaning up everything in the home, throwing things out, and leaving only what you need for your theme out. Once you see exactly what you have, then you can get the right storage items to suit.
Cleaning up your home before renovations is something we'd love to put off forever, but it has to be done. One way to get into the mentality for a successful decluttering is to treat it like a doctor's appointment or other 'can't miss' event. Mark it in your diary, put aside time for what you plan to do, and mark out the areas you want to clean up first. Starting with the worst spot first is a good way to get stuck in, and it makes the rest of the process much easier.
Don't forget to give yourself time and budget for cleaning materials, boxes and bags to put discarded items into: Get them out of sight, out of mind and out of the house as soon as possible, you'll see instant results around you.
We're all proud of our household items, but that doesn't mean everyone else is as enamoured with the artwork you have chosen. But – and it's a big but – if you have a large set of items you want to give away, think about hosting a garage sale for friends and family.
You might be able to get rid of a large amount of odds and ends, all while making some spare cash! It could be just what you need to purchase your favourite Resene paint colour to redesign your living area.
If your home is often overloaded with paperwork, dishes and other parts of your day to day routine, you might benefit from setting up a start-to-finish system. Clutter Rescue's Helen Butler calls this creating a cycle, and it means finishing tasks you start. Identify where your paperwork goes for storage, and make sure you put all completed or discarded papers either there or in recycling. Instead of leaving dishes out, rinse and put them in the dishwasher before you go on to your next task.
Getting in this habit means your clutter stays down and out once you clear out the home, and it helps with general cleanliness – especially in a hard-to-maintain kitchen!
Once you have everything cleared and your systems in place, you can move to the next step and outfit your home with this new minimalist theme, and enjoy a sophisticated and stylish interior design.
January 17, 2015
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