From the Resene Mural Masterpieces competition
Enjoy and appreciate murals in your local area or check out those that are out of town!
Murals are a creative way to add colour and pride into a community, beautifying an area for all to enjoy. Get inspired to create your own mural in your local community. There are prizes to be won! Register your details for free online and you'll receive an entry pack containing all the information you'll need to get started.
Search for your school, association or group...
A journey through time...
The hidden gem...
Winchester School
Nature’s playground...
St George’s Preparatory School
Space and sea...
Inglewood Primary School
Kohanga Moa...
Whanganui Collegiate School
School sports codes...
168 Somme Parade
Mr Tinker, Thinker...
Waiouru Primary School
Manaakitanga – Gumboot Friday
Betty Montford Kindy
Whakapapa of nga wai o Punahau
Whanganui Regional Hospital
The values of the hospital
Massey University
Representing the diversity of students
St George's Preparatory School
Our school values
St Anne’s Catholic School
Hunterville Playcentre
Our place – Hunterville
St Marys School
Our turangawaewae, our place to stand
Central Normal School
Our school values
Pembroke School
ASPIRE – school values
Kaitieke School
Kaitieke School wilderness
Watt Street mural
Talula Hodder for Watt Street mural
Omata School
Taranaki Maunga
Rotokare portal mural
E-Town Youth Centre for Rotokare...
Whanganui Girls College
School values
Tauranga Girls College
Te Haerenga o Te Manu...
Spotswood College
Nga Atua – Maori gods...
Manchester Street School
Flower frenzy
Levin North School
Growing together as learners
Eltham Historical Society
History of BNSW/Westpac Banking
Opunake Medicines & Beauty
Pharmacies through the ages
Mosston School
Our whanau, our community
St George’s Preparatory School
A view of Whanganui from...
Urenui School
Our community
Welbourn Primary
Russell Street School
He Pepeha Kura...
Te Waiora Community Health Service
Community garden
Weber School
Our school story
St James’ Catholic School
St James the Fisherman...
St Marys School
St Mary (patron saint of the school)
Picasa Murals
Taranaki scenery
St James School
The character of St James School
Normanby School
Native scene loosely based around...
Russell Street School
Together and unique...
Marie McFarland Kindergarten
Puketapu School
Taranaki te Maunga
Auroa School
Celebrating the cultures in school
Auroa School
History of Auroa
Moturoa School
Local history
James Cook School
The bird, eel and frog represent...
Fire Brigade
History of Eltham's Volunteer Fire...
Waituna West School
Our school motto
Chew Chong's
Chew Chong's Business Building
Stanners Street
Looking into Carmens Bookshop
Ford Garage
Ford Garage - Stanners Motors
Te Kohanga Reo O Waitara
Ranginui – Papatuanuku and...
Wanganui Girls' College
Mathematics, science, english...
Western Institute of Technology
Contemporary Aotearoa NZ
Opunake Medicines & Beauty
Pharmacies through the ages
Inglewood Primary School
A celebration of some of the great...
Wanganui East School
Outdoor area
Mural 1: Taranaki views
Ake Ake Community project
Ake Ake Community project...
Faith Academy
Choices come from the heart
Eltham Community Development Group
Heritage of Eltham
New Plymouth Revival Fellowship
Noah’s Ark
Fitzroy Beach
Sugar loaves as seen from Fitzroy Beach
Castlecliff School
MANA - four panels to depict their...
Coastal Taranaki School
Play on colour and design...
Paengaroa Bush Reserve
Our guardianship or Te Ngahere iti
Ongarue School
Our school, past and present
Feilding Intermediate School
Maori Mythology...
Patea Area School
Rangi and Papa creation story
Aorangi Road, Feilding
Picnic in the Park
Kaitoke School
This school's place in the world
Feilding Intermediate
Dommet Street, Waitara
Nature and bugs
Mimi School, Urenui
Te Mimi Awa
Dennis Lattimer, Opunake
An historical picturecade of the...
Te Kura O Kokohuia, Wanganui
Rangatahi Maori...
Oakura Swim School