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Paint colour cues for 2002

From the What's New archive...

Building on the success of The Range 2000 and 2001, Resene has just released The Range 2002 - a collection of 150 classic and contemporary colours designed for the year 2002.

The Range 2002 is based on international colour predictions that are tailored to suit the New Zealand lifestyle and environment.

The Range 2002 Fandeck

The merging of fashion and technology is inspiring new colour directions and hastening the transition of fashion colours through industries. The traditional lag from clothing through to decorating materials has diminished, with this year's clothing colour trends likely to be seen as wall paints next year. Technology has made it easy to communicate colour and colour trends, and maximise the speed at which new products and colours are launched.

The fashion/technology connection is encouraging the return to luxurious materials to create an air of elegant sophistication. Materials and colours are blended so that the texture, pattern and colour are virtually indistinguishable from one another. The finish is increasingly being viewed as a complete entity, rather than just pieces of a disparate puzzle.

Like clothing, the concept of monochromatic layering is becoming popular. Whether layering metallics or paint effects over a standard decorative paint or a textured basecoat, consumers are yearning to create their own unique yet soft look. Texture is the key driver of the finished layered look, with colour playing the ever important supporting role.

The doom and gloom of the y2k bug is long gone and consumers are looking to the future with confidence. This confidence allows for a risk-taking attitude encouraging the use of brighter, happier, fun colours in the form of new yellows, oranges, reds and pinks.

Colours are becoming lighter, softer and more complex. While blue is still considered the key colour for this decade, orange is poised to be the colour we associate with optimism and happiness in 2002.

In tune with these trends, The Range 2002 from Resene features chromatically softer greens, blues and neutrals counterbalanced by deep ultra-saturated yellows, oranges and reds. There is an increase in non hue-specific bridging colours - those that float between hues.

Yellows blur into the realm of orange and include burnt mustards, bright buttery yellows and rich muddy creams. Weighty yellows meet optimistic oranges and edge into rust dominant coppers. Colours such as Resene Lusty and Tall Poppy shift between red and orange, resulting in intriguing ambiguity.

Greens are primarily softer with an herbal influence. Yellow greens retain prominence, while the emergence of cleaner greens marks a return towards the primary.

Watery blues signify a desire for calm translucency. These 'barely there' blues include Resene Zumthor, Scandal and Conch. Continuing from 2001 are the deepwater marine blues such as Resene Tarawera.

Sophisticated browns offer an urban yet natural bridge between deep reds and the ever-classic black. The darkest Range 2002 colours are never merely black, but are saturated with red, blue or green undertones to play games in varying light conditions.

Whites also take on underlying personalities. Palest mint greens meet crisp icy blues, alongside classic beige neutrals and greyed off-whites.

The Range 2002 offers classic and contemporary hues to cater for all tastes. Whether a quest for timeless elegance or a short-term extravagance inspired by the painted surface, interior features can be as changeable as a season or a whim.

Resene is confident you can find a Range 2002 colour to suit your home, your mood and most importantly, your lifestyle. With colour names like these, you're bound to have fun!

The Range 2002, a collection of 150 classic and contemporary colours designed for the year 2002, is available from Resene ColorShops.

› View the colour chart archive for past and present colour cues and trends


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