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Nominate a Plunket volunteer!

Children and parents all around New Zealand benefit from all the efforts and dedication of passionate Plunket volunteers. To help recognise their efforts, we invite you to nominate a Plunket volunteer to win a VIPP (Very Important Plunket Person) award.

Resene Paints Ltd


The winning volunteers will each receive:

It’s easy to nominate a volunteer! Simply fill in the nomination form below. You can nominate a Plunket volunteer anytime. VIPP awards are made four times a year.

Interested in being a Plunket volunteer? Sign up here...

Nomination form

* Please fill in all mandatory form fields.
Your name:

First name and surname
Your email:

Who do you wish to nominate?

Volunteer name:

First name and surname
Plunket centre:

Which Plunket centre does this volunteer help out at?

Plunket name

Plunket address

Plunket phone number

Plunket contact person (first name and surname)
Length of service:

How long has this volunteer helped this Plunket (above)
Why does this volunteer deserve the VIPP award?

Is there anything else you wish to add?


Resene and Plunket – painting the way forward together


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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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