We are delighted to be assisting with Kainga Ora projects with our quality products designed and made in New Zealand.
This hub has been developed so you can access colour and product information from one handy location. Keep an eye out for our Colour your Kainga programme coming soon so you and your whanau can brighten up your shared spaces together.
If you need any further information, please email us with any Kainga Ora queries.
Click on the product names below to view paint container, product description & use, and downloads: data sheets, safety data sheets and labels.
Resene Broadwall Sealer
waterborne wallboard sealer – interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Broadwall Waterborne Wallboard Sealer is a water reducible first coat for plasterboard walls and air-dry stoppings. Designed to minimise porosity and textural differences. VOC free.
Typical uses: Air-dry (polymer based) stoppings and finishing compounds, paperfaced plasterboard (GIB®, Gyprock®).
Resene Concrete Primer
concrete primer – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Concrete Primer is designed for cementitious surfaces, including all concrete, plaster and surfaces, such as fibre cement to make ready for topcoating. Provides long-term adhesion coupled with exceptional durability even when left uncoated for prolonged periods.
Typical uses: Brick and blockwork, cementitious surfaces, fibre cement, formed concrete, plaster, precast panels, tilt slab.
Resene Galvo-Prime
galvanised steel primer – exterior - waterborne
Resene Galvo-Prime is a water reducible primer that matches its solvent reducible analogues even in marine exposures.
Typical uses: All exterior galvanised steel, non-ferrous metals, roofs, zincalume.
Resene Quick Dry primer
waterborne primer undercoat – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Quick Dry Waterborne Primer Undercoat provides long-term flexibility over unstable substrates coupled with exceptional durability even when left uncoated for prolonged periods. The latest formulation has enhanced flow and sanding characteristics for maximum benefit under waterborne enamels, such as Resene Enamacryl and Resene Lustacryl.
Typical uses: Architraves, block and brickwork, cement plaster, cloth and woven wallcoverings, particle board, repaint old work, timber (including Matai, Spotted Gum and Totara), wallboards, wallpaper.
Resene Waterborne Sureseal
penetrating pigmented sealer - interior - waterborne
Resene Waterborne Sureseal is a pigmented penetrating sealer designed to ready a wide range of interior surfaces ready for topcoating, including old varnishes and Lockwood® finishes. It has excellent adhesion, reduces bleeding of water stains, low VOCs and dries without the unwanted and strong solvent odours associated with traditional solventborne products. Suitable for use in broadwall areas through to wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Resene Waterborne Sureseal is a penetrating sealer and should not be regarded as forming part of the film build of the subsequent coating.
Typical uses: Interior surfaces including baked enamels, glass/ceramics, fibre cement, glazed surfaces, plasterboard and gypsum stoppings, solid plaster, tiles, varnished surfaces and to seal plasterboard prior to wallpapering.
Sea to Sky 203N Coating Remover
SPC-203N coating remover is a cost effective and environmentally advantaged means for removal of paints, coatings and residues. It is available in paste or liquid form. SPC-203N (paste) is blue in color to assist coverage during application.
Effectively removes: alkyds, latex, enamels, polyureas, epoxies, polyurethanes, inorganic zinc, powder coatings
Resene Broadwall Sealer
Resene Concrete Primer
Resene Galvo Prime
Resene Quick Dry Primer
Resene Waterborne Sureseal
Sea to Sky coating remover
Resene Armourcote 608 Silver
fast-dry enamel – interior - solventborne
Resene Armourcote 608 is a high gloss, fast-dry enamel based on a modified polyester resin. Durability, colour and gloss retention is typical of high quality gloss enamels.
Typical uses:
Resene Ceiling Paint
waterborne flat paint – interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Ceiling Paint is recommended for use on ceilings of living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms where a flat finish is required. A very low odour, low spatter, low VOC product.
Typical uses: Fibrous plaster, paperfaced plasterboard (GIB®, Gyprock®), plaster glass, repaints. Not recommended for wet areas (bathrooms, kitchens and laundries - use Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen or Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen Kitchen & Bathroom).
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Label
Product codes (white):
1L: 1260201 | 2L: 1260202 |
4L: 1260204 | 10L: 1260210 |
Product codes (off-white):
1L: 1260101 | 2L: 1260102 |
4L: 1260104 | 10L: 1260110 |
Resene Enamacryl
gloss waterborne enamel paint – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Enamacryl is the result of long, careful, intensive research. This breakthrough product may be used in all those areas traditionally reserved for solventborne enamels. Non-yellowing and fast drying with easy water clean up.
Typical uses: Window and door trim, panels and joinery.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Label
Product codes (white):
500ml: 1520250 | 1L: 1520201 |
2L: 1520202 | 4L: 1520204 |
Product codes (off-white):
500ml: 1520150 | 1L: 1520101 |
2L: 1520102 | 4L: 1520104 |
Tones: 152XXXX |
Resene Lumbersider Low Sheen
waterborne low sheen paint – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Lumbersider Low Sheen is a waterborne low sheen paint based on a tough waterborne resin to ensure maximum durability in all exposed conditions. Imparts a natural low sheen look that is fully washable. Ideal for use on a wide range of exterior projects. Also popular as a fence paint finish.
Typical uses: Beams, block and brickwork, concrete and plaster, decks, fibre and particle board, fibre cement, galvanised iron, repaints, stucco/roughcast, timber, wallboards, wallpaper, weatherboards.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes (white):
500ml: 1290250 | 1L: 1290201 |
2L: 1290202 | 4L: 1290204 |
10L: 1290210 |
Product codes (off-white):
500ml: 1290150 | 1L: 1290101 |
2L: 1290102 | 4L: 1290104 |
10L: 1290110 |
Tones: 129XXXX |
Resene Lustacryl Kitchen & Bathroom
semi-gloss waterborne enamel paint – interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Lustacryl Kitchen & Bathroom combines the benefits of a waterborne enamel with added anti-bacterial silver protection and MoulDefender. This breakthrough product may be used to bring enamel style toughness to broadwall areas, allowing you to get a semi-gloss finish with added protection. So adaptable that it may also be used on joinery and trim.
Typical uses: Bathrooms, kitchens, laundries, skirtings, timber doors, trim and joinery, window frames.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Label
Product codes (white):
1L: 1485601 | 2L: 1485602 |
4L: 1485604 |
Product codes (off-white):
1L: 1485601 | 2L: 1485602 |
4L: 1485604 |
Resene Sonyx 101
waterborne semi-gloss paint – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Sonyx 101 is a member of a new generation family of waterborne coatings optimised for superior toughness, durability and adhesion, combined with superb flowing good looks. Resene Sonyx 101 is the perfect compromise for a less than perfect exterior substrate balancing the need for cleanability with an ability to hide surface imperfections.
Typical uses: Block and brickwork, concrete, fibre cement, G.R.C. panels, primed galvanised steel, primed timber, solid plaster, wallboards.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes (white):
1L: 1080201 | 2L: 1080202 |
4L: 1080204 | 10L: 1080210 |
Product codes (off-white):
1L: 1080101 | 2L: 1080102 |
4L: 1080104 | 10L: 1080110 |
Tones: 108XXXX |
Resene Summit Roof Semi-Gloss
semi-gloss roof paint – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Summit Roof is a unique waterborne semi-gloss for ease of application and maximum life over properly prepared metal surfaces and cementitious surfaces. It’s available in a wide range of colours including Resene paint matches to popular COLORSTEEL®/COLORBOND® colours plus a whole host of Resene colours.
Typical uses: On properly prepared cementitious surfaces, properly prepared metals (aluminium, galvanised iron, mild steel or Zincalume), well weathered COLORBOND® or COLORSTEEL®, roofs.
Use with Resene Summit Roof Spray Additive when applying by airless spray.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes (white):
1L: 1150201 | 4L: 1150204 |
10L: 1150210 |
Product codes (off-white):
1L: 1150101 | 4L: 1150104 |
10L: 1150110 |
Tones: 115XXXX |
Resene X-200
acrylic weathertight membrane coating – exterior/interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene X-200 is an acrylic weathertight membrane incorporating the most recent advances in polymer and paint technology. Shows significant advances in the areas of film build, adhesion, penetration, application and durability.
It may be used on its own or under Resene textures such as Resene Resitex or Resene Sandtex. It is perfect on concrete, blockwork, fibre cement sheeting and solid plaster, where weathertightness is required. Resene X-200 may be brushed into small cracks (less than 1mm) to prevent moisture entering the damaged substrate. For cracks 1-2mm use Resene Brushable Crack Filler or a suitable sealant.
Resene X-200 has a low sheen, slightly textured finish, in keeping with current trends for lower gloss finishes. It is easily applied and has excellent durability.
Typical uses: Concrete blocks, concrete surfaces, fibre reinforced cement.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes (white):
4L: 7380204 | 10L: 7380210 |
Product codes (off-white):
4L: 7380104 | 10L: 7380110 |
Tones: 738XXXX |
Resene Zylone Sheen
waterborne low sheen paint – interior - waterborne
Eco Choice approved
Resene Zylone Sheen is the result of advanced technology that produces a smooth yet ultra tough surface. Drying to an attractive low sheen finish, its ease of application, washability and durability make it an ideal choice for interior use. A very low odour product.
Typical uses: Block and brickwork, concrete and plaster, fibre and particle board, fibre cement, fibrous plaster, paperface plasterboard (GIB®, Gyprock®), timber, wallpaper, wallboards, woven wallcoverings.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes (white):
1L: 1200201 | 2L: 1200202 |
4L: 1200204 | 10L: 1200210 |
Product codes (off-white):
1L: 1200101 | 2L: 1200102 |
4L: 1200104 | 10L: 1200110 |
Tones: 120XXXX |
Resene Ceiling Paint
Resene Enamacryl
Resene Lumbersider
Resene Lustacryl Kitchen & Bathroom
Resene Sonyx 101
Resene Summit Roof
Resene X-200
Resene Zylone Sheen
Resene Colorwood
clear and coloured natural wood stain – interior - waterborne
Resene Colorwood is an exciting way of treating natural timbers and enhancing the grain. Gives coloured timbers with the see-through look as it allows the natural grain of all timbers to show through.
Typical uses: Canework, cork, doors, dressed and rough sawn timber, fibre and particle board, furniture, kitset and nursery furniture, panelling, rope, timber (imported and native), timber ceilings and beams, window and door frames.
Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet EPD Label
Product codes:
250ml tint base: 191 1225 |
1L tint base: 191 1201 |
4L tint base: 191 1204 |
Pretinted colours:
191 XXXX |
Resene Qristal ClearFloor 2K
clear waterborne flooring urethane – interior - waterborne
Resene Qristal ClearFloor 2K is a two component waterborne urethane durable flooring finish designed to protect your wooden flooring and keep it looking its best for longer.
Typical uses: Timber or timber composite flooring.
Do not mix with Resene Colorwood Enhance.
Data Sheet SDS - Base SDS - Satin Hardener Label - base Label - satin hardener Label - gloss hardener
Product codes:
Satin Kit 5L: 2481150 |
Resene Colorwood
Resene Qristal ClearFloor 2K