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Customer feedback survey

Thank you for visiting a Resene ColorShop

We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services. Please help us by completing this survey, so that we may use this information to identify opportunities to improve. For each of the questions that follow, please tick the appropriate answer as per the example below. In this example, our answer is Satisfactory. All questions are optional - you can choose to answer all questions or just those that are relevant to your visit. We appreciate you including your name and contact details so we can get in touch with you if needed. These details will not be added to any promotional database.

All completed surveys will go into a quarterly draw to win a $200 Resene voucher. Each quarterly winner will be notified by phone or email.

Fields marked in green must be filled in in order to send this form.

1) How many times have you visited a Resene ColorShop in the past year?
2) Month of most recent visit?
3) Time of day of most recent visit?
4) Resene ColorShop location?

Please answer the questions below based on your most recent Resene ColorShop shopping experience...

5) Ease of finding a parking space?
6) Range of merchandise for sale?
7) Store presentation and display?
8) Staff presentation and manner?
9) Quality of advice received from Resene ColorShop staff?
10) Standard of service from Resene ColorShop staff?
11) Speed of service from Resene ColorShop staff?
12) Value for money?
13) How would you rate your overall experience at your local Resene ColorShop?

Products and services

14) Were you able to find the item you were looking for?
If No, what product were you looking for?

15) Which Resene products/services do you particularly like?
16) Which Resene products/services do you think we could improve? How could we improve them?
17) Resene products - Overall rating out of 10
18) Resene services - Overall rating out of 10
(Poor) (Excellent)
19) What are your main reasons for choosing Resene?

20) Would you recommend Resene to others?
Why or why not?

21) Have you used the Resene PaintWise recycling service for paint and paint packaging?
22) If yes, what was your main reason for using PaintWise?

23) If no, what do you do with your unwanted paint and packaging?

24) Prior to this purchase, approximately how many containers of paint were stored in your garage or shed?

Add your name, email and phone number to go into the draw along with any other comments you would like to add.


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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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