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Healthy room, healthy life

From the Resene specifier blog

Designing a room based on health research

Here we look at a range of health and interior design research, and narrow down how you can use this wealth of knowledge in your daily tasks as a designer.

Designing a room based on health research

As clients are increasingly becoming health conscious, interior designers can take on board some tips from health research as they are planning out a space. Jotting down some of these notes in the margins of your sketchpad can help as you are conceptualising where to put that sofa, or what colour to paint the walls.

Here we look at a range of health and interior design research, and narrow down how you can use this wealth of knowledge in your daily tasks as a designer.

The theory of supportive design

Back in 1991, the Journal of Health Care Interior Design published an article titled 'Effects of interior design on wellness: Theory and recent scientific research'. One of the key messages in this article was that the theory of supportive design is important, because it lays out steps for improving the psychological wellbeing of people simply by the way spaces are decorated and organised.

In a nutshell, this theory specifies that planning interior design in a way that actively seeks to reduce stress can have lasting benefits for the people that work or live within the area. To achieve this, designers needs to offer two major components:

  1. Access to social support
  2. Access to positive distractions

The research for this article focused on the interior design of hospital rooms, waiting areas and reception spaces to draw out the points, but that's not to say the lessons learned can't apply to the layout of a lounge or a home office.

Here's how you can use supportive design to reduce stress for clients:

Access to social support

Access to positive distractions

Resene Quarter Pearl Lusta

"To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear," said Buddha.

What better message to leave this health focused article with than with the wise words of this esteemed teacher?

Happy, healthy decorating!

July 28, 2015

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