Proctor Library
Encapsulating the multicultural character and heritage of Kerikeri within a bicultural context provided the focus for the construction of the Proctor Library Te Kete Matauranga o Kerikeri.
Named after the elderly couple that bequeathed $250,000 to help bring the Proctor Library to fruition, the gifted funds have been well spent to the benefit of the community and New Zealand architecture with the project winning a local Supreme Award for its design.
Encapsulating the multicultural character and heritage of Kerikeri within a bicultural context provided the focus for the construction of the Proctor Library Te Kete Matauranga o Kerikeri. The functional, the aesthetic and the spiritual were brought together in a design inspired by the story of Tane and his endeavours to gain the three baskets of knowledge.
A community facility, the Proctor Library is a sculpture within the landscape and draws on the artistic heritage of a traditional Maori wharenui overlaid with the notion of the community sharing a journey involving the sea, voyaging and exploration. The local iwi, Ngati Reihia, were consulted from the inception of the project and endorsed the design concepts, crucial in ensuring the tikanga was respected and adhered to throughout the process.
The final building that stands proudly is protected with Resene X-200 weathertight membrane tinted to Resene Silver Chalice (light grey) overcoated with Resene Uracryl 402 for maximum exterior durability and graffiti resistance. Steel beams gleam in a blend of Resene Imperite I.F. 503 Metallic mixed two parts Resene Silver Chalice to one part Resene Aluminium to give a silvered pearl effect. The front entrance commands attention in Resene Black Rose (strong purple red) making way to a palette of intense blue and green palette hues on the interior of Resene Hawkes Blue (blue), Resene Paua (deep blue), Resene Caesar (turquoise), Resene Foam (off-white) and the finishing touch of steel handrails in Resene Silver Pearl to provide a link between the scheme outside and the scheme within.
Architect: Dianna Sandifer
Building and Painting Contractor: Kerikeri Construction 2003 Ltd
Resene: Kerikeri ColorShop A bookworm's haven that all the community
can feel at one with.
From the Resene News – issue 2/2005
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