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Warehouse Stationery building

The call went out to paint out the timber ceiling and wall areas in the Warehouse Stationery Building in Cameron Road, Tauranga, as part of a facelift for the retail area. Just to make the job more challenging, the limitations of the site required the painters to paint overhead of the staff and customers during trading hours.

A timber ceiling that was sealed with Resene StainLock before painting

The painter started by applying a full acrylic system onto the Douglas Fir timber only to be met with an undesirable yellow bleeding from the timber and the need to call Resene for advice. Resene StainLock was recommended to solve the problem. As a waterborne low odour product that is self-priming over timber it could be applied while the shop was open then topcoated with the already selected topcoats.

Resene StainLock waterborne stain sealer is a relatively new addition to the Resene product range and is formulated to hold back a wide range of common surface stains to prevent them damaging subsequent topcoats.

It’s ideal over stained areas where stain transmission is more likely and can be quickly and easily overcoated with a range of Resene waterborne decorative topcoats. The use of c enabled the painter to stay within the quoted three coat system and avoided the use of solventborne sealers and undercoats, which would have caused an issue with odour for shoppers and staff. Due credit has to go the painters who applied an unspecified amount of gap filler and timber fillers to give a seamless finish to the heavily knotted tongue and groove timber.

The outcome is excellent visually and technically.

A repainted timber ceiling

Architectural Specifier: Insight Architects Tauranga
Painters: Safari Painting Limited
Resene: Mark Aschoff, Bay Of Plenty Branch Manager
From the Resene News – issue 2/2012

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