Glen Lyon house
When the top 1% of income earners is lusting after your rooms, you know you must be a very popular residence.
125 years old, this heritage listed Glen Lyon house in Ashgrove is graced by two acres of roaming garden, providing much needed sanctuary, and sufficient space for a full sized tennis court.
With extensive decking spanning the exterior of the home, the owners sought to minimise the risk of slipping, selecting Resene Non-Skid Deck & Path to provide a comfortable textured walking surface. The light texture was reflected in the main wall areas and fascias with Resene Sandtex Mediterranean effect tinted to Resene Spanish White (complex neutral).
'Steel rails and concrete pillars were finished in an Altex system of Altex Pre-Prime 167, Altex 504 Epoxy Primer and Altex 239 Epoxy Topcoat tinted to off-white and green for an aesthetic fit with the building's heritage style and to provide maximum protection against the elements.
Painting Contractor: Paint 2000 Darren Hughes
Resene: Jason Osborn, Gold Coast Trade Sales Representative
From the Resene News – issue 4/2006
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