From the Resene ProSelect Technical Information Centre
Please refer to the ATFA Caring for Your Timber Floor brochure available from the Australasian Timber Flooring Association.
DO NOT use Steam mops, wet mops, hard head vacuum cleaners, warn brushes/brooms, abrasive cleaners, silicone sprays, steel wool or abrasive pads, wear high heels or work footwear on your coated wooden floor. This information and additional information is available in the above mentioned brochure.
Please contact to order copies of the brochure below and ensure you hand these out to your clients on completion of each job.
Resene ProSelect Clean is a low VOC, environmentally friendly and biodegradable cleaner for use on Resene ProSelect coated floors. Safe to use and leaves a streak free finish. Specifically designed to be used with a micro-fibre spray mop. Available as a ready-to-use cleaner or in a concentrate form requiring dilution.
Pictured is a Browns Take 5 – 400mm Micro-fibre Spray Mop and uses a replaceable micro-fibre pad.
Mix 1 part Resene ProSelect Clean Concentrate to 10 parts water (by volume). For particularly dirty floors mix a stronger solution at 1 part Clean Concentrate to 5 parts water.
Simply vacuum or dry mop the floor to remove excess dirt, grit and dust.
Using a micro-fibre spray mop, spray/mist a small area of the floor and wipe in the direction of the grain. Allow to dry before walking on the clean surface. DO NOT wet mop the floor. For particularly stubborn dirty marks, spray directly onto the affected area and allow the cleaner to work several minutes before wiping off with a microfibre cleaning pad.
These guidelines apply to any Timber floor. Following them will help your floor look good for longer between recoating and re-sanding:
Anti-static mop, sweep and/or vacuum (soft head) the floor as often as possible.
Never, ever wet-mop a floor.
Only use cleaners that are recommended by timber floor coating manufacturers or timber floor manufacturers.
DON’T use: ammonia-based cleaners, wax-based products (unless coating is oil or wax), detergents, bleach, polishes, abrasive cleaning soaps, steel wool or abrasive cloths, turps or kerosene.
Use walk off, walk on mats and area rugs at all doorways (keep door mats clean).
Put floor protectors on the bottom of all furniture and anything else that is hard and will make contact and might rub on the timber floor. (Lift and do not slide chairs.)
Wipe up all spills immediately. Many beverages will stain most finishes if left on the floor.
Keep pet nails trimmed. Know that dogs running through the house will scratch any finish.
Consider using carpet runners/area rugs in high-traffic areas.
Keep your home at normal living conditions for your area - no extremes of humidity or temperature.
Protect your floor from direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can soften the tone of different species of timber to varying degrees and accelerate the darkening from oxidation and aging of timber and the coating.
DON’T wear shoes with stiletto heels on your timber floor. Remove shoes at the door to avoid potentially dragging in sharp objects in your shoe treads.
Rearrange your rugs and furniture periodically to allow the flooring colour to age evenly.
Everyone has seen the TV commercials showing steam cleaners magically sanitising, disinfecting, deodorising, and cleaning a timber floor. The manufacturers even advertise for use on timber floors, but that doesn’t mean that timber flooring manufacturers or finish manufacturers think steam mops are appropriate for a timber floor; in fact, some have begun to specifically mention steam mops in their list of ‘don’ts’. Steam mops can cause peeling of finish, whitening of the finish and a cloudy finish.
A prefinished timber floor damaged by repeated use of a steam mop cleaner.
– View the ATFA 'Floor care & maintenance' Information Sheet #12 –
Resene ProSelect Technical Information Centre
Get a professional flooring finish on timber with Resene ProSelect