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Blackboard cupboard

Mark Rayner shows you how to create this nifty blackboard cupboard for the shed or garage – perfect for a ‘to do’ list for jobs around the house or garden.

You will need: A clean cloth, old cupboard, sandpaper and sanding block, screwdriver, sponge, paint stirrer, paint tray, roller and paintbrush and a wood filler, if necessary. Resene Blackboard Paint (green), Resene Woodsman Whitewash, Resene Enamacryl tinted to Resene Quarter Thorndon Cream, Resene Interior Paintwork Cleaner and Resene Quick Dry.

To get the look: Mark stained the background shed wall with Resene Colorwood tinted to Resene Rock Salt and finished it off with three coats of Resene Aquaclear gloss.

Other ideas: For using Resene Blackboard Paint, make fabulous storage jars or tins for seeds and use chalk to label the contents. Paint some pots with Resene Blackboard Paint and create a brilliant indoor herb collection – again, write the name of each herb on the pot. Use Resene Blackboard Paint in the greenhouse to make re-usable plant tags for seed trays.

As seen in kiwigardener

Step 1 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 1
Remove handle, catches and hinges from the cupboard.

Step 2 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 2
Clean the old paintwork and varnish with Resene Interior Paintwork Cleaner, following instructions on the label.

Step 3 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 3
Lightly sand the old varnish and paintwork to ‘key’ the surface.

Step 4 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 4
Wipe off any sanding residue with a clean cloth.

Step 1 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 5
Fill any holes in the painted surfaces with wood filler and, once dry, sand smooth. Spot prime these and any areas of bare wood with Resene Quick Dry. Allow to dry.

Step 2 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 6
Apply two coats of Resene Blackboard Paint to both sides and edges of the door, allowing each coat to dry for two hours.

Step 3 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 7
Apply two coats of Resene Quarter Thorndon Cream to the inside of the cupboard and the front and side edges of the base. Allow two hours for each coat to dry.

Step 4 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 8
Carefully stir the Resene Colorwood Whitewash.

Step 1 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 9
Apply one coat of Resene Colorwood Whitewash to the varnished parts of the cupboard (sides, top and front edges). Brush in the direction of the grain, as shown. Allow to dry.

Step 2 how to make a blackboard cupboard

Step 10
Replace the handle, catches and hinges on the cupboard.

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