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Answers to your questions from our colour experts, p. 104

Here's a taste of some of the Colour Expert questions and answers to help you with your own colour scheme.

If you would like more colour advice for your project, please ask our Colour Expert for help or come in and see our staff at your local Resene ColorShop or Reseller. Colours are a representation only.


Q&A   p. 104

Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.

Q. We would like to use Resene White Pointer on walls, and a white on the ceiling/window reveals/architraves etc. Which white would you recommend?

A. You could try Resene White – this is the simple option. It is a standard (real) white which is a lovely contrast with Resene White Pointer. Or try Resene Quarter White Pointer, which is a subtle light variant that merges into the main wall colours and creates a soft co-ordination. The contrast is minimised.

December 2020

Q. I was wondering if you could give some suggestions on wall, trim and ceiling colours for my living spaces. The rooms receive a good amount of light. I'd like to keep the majority of the walls quite light, and maybe do a feature wall or section to make the space feel cosier. I love blues and greens but for the main walls I'd like them to feel like they fit harmoniously with the space, warm but not too obviously yellow as they are now (as I inherited them). The main existing colours to work with are the tiled floor which is a peachy beige colour and the carpet is grey. I also have wood furniture that is quite reddy/orange. The kitchen will be updated so no need to match there.

A. The following colour options may harmonise well with the tiled floors and carpets – Resene Eighth Spanish White for your main colour and trims/doors or lighter/whiter – Resene Bianca for your main colour and trims/doors. To add a clean crisp contrast use Resene Quarter Alabaster on ceilings.

Ideas for feature colours – Resene Bermuda Grey, Resene Botticelli, Resene Undercover or Resene Haven.

December 2020

Q. I have very old deco house on the beachfront and I’ve been looking at going Resene Bismark but it may be a little bright. I am going to paint the back of the house Resene Sakura pink. I’d like to do whole house that colour but considering my place is like a lighthouse in terms of positioning I thought it was slightly unkind in terms of blending into the environment. I also liked Resene Spitfire although I thought it might be too dark/hot as the house is in full sun. I don’t want to go grey and white and boring so have thought teal/blue/green or maybe go down the Resene Spitfire route?

A. The following are some colours that you might check out as a main house colour – Resene Destiny, Resene Horizon, Resene Bluff or Resene Blue Smoke. A darker trim colour might be like the following – Resene Tangaroa or Resene Tarawera.

Have you considered using Resene Spitfire or a softer red like Resene Avant Garde for doors? That could be great. Both of those colours work well with the other colours I have mentioned.

December 2020

Q. We have decided to paint our new home in colour Resene Zeus and the roof and window frame at this point we have chosen colour Monument. What do you suggest for the architrave and eave colour?

A. You might use a light green/grey/warmed white for the architraves and eaves – try Resene Triple Merino, Resene Bone White, Resene Quarter Taupe Grey or Resene Titania.

December 2020

Q. I have a terracotta roof tile and I don't like the colour of my bricks and I'd like to paint them. I was thinking of a Hamptons theme with white trim. I'd like a beige/grey – nothing too cool or blue.

A. The following colours may provide the type of ambiance you would like to achieve – Resene Double Sea Fog, Resene Cloud, Resene Double White Pointer, Resene Half Truffle or Resene Eighth Friar Greystone.

If these types of colours are used with a slightly softened white, such as Resene Half Black White, they would look very elegant in the Hamptons manner.

December 2020

Q. I have a brick two storey house, red brick with shadow grey in the brick, a black front door, cream aluminium joinery and cream Linea® on the second storey. The roof is charcoal grey and I'm wanting suggestions for colour on the Linea®. Currently I’m thinking charcoal the same as the roof.

A. I am not 100% certain about using the same charcoal colour as the roof. It may make the house look heavy and squat with the much darker upper storey. An alternative idea might be to consider a light/mid grey. Perhaps one of the following colours – Resene Quarter Baltic Sea or Resene Wireless.

December 2020

Q. I am having a house built. I have selected a COLORSTEEL® Ebony roof, matt Titania joinery and Resene Nocturnal for the external cladding. These colours were based on a house that I had visited. I have just recently seen a house that had Resene Grey Friars on the cladding and Resene Black White. I absolutely love the colour scheme.

I feel that the colours that I have selected are a little dark. I already have the COLORSTEEL® Ebony roof on and the matt Titania joinery.

Can you please advise a few colours that I could paint my cladding? Would Resene Grey Friars work or a white colour? I was going for darker external colours and lighter internal colours but I feel that anything will work as long as it matches and looks nice.

I have put a window frame around my joinery. Can you please tell me the Resene colour that matches matt Titania joinery?  I saw a house with Resene Half White Pointer internal walls and Resene Black White skirtings. I absolutely loved this.  I believe they matched the skirtings and internal window frames to their joinery. Could you come up with a few options that I could do to match matt Titania. I want really light walls if that helps.

A. The Resene match to powder coat Titania is called Resene Titania.

Resene Grey Friars is a steel blue toned charcoal. It can take on a lot more of the blue tone when seen in bright natural light. It does look very smart (Cape Cod coastal look) when paired with a real white powder coated joinery – i.e. Appliance White. But if you already have chosen Titania for your window joinery (a grey/yellow/green white) it doesn't provide quite the same sharp, clean, fresh looking  contrast. But the choice is yours.

If you wanted a few lighter/whiter  colour options for the exterior cladding to work well with the Titania joinery then the following might be worth checking out – Resene Helium or slightly deeper – Resene Bone White.

For the interior colours as long as the window joinery (Titania) doesn't show too much (will they be totally covered by drapes and blinds?) then the colours you have mentioned might look quite nice.

Other options that work well with the Titania window joinery might be these ones – Resene Half Titania, Resene Triple Black White or Resene Half Thorndon Cream.

For the ceilings and the wooden trims, doors etc you could use one of the following – Resene Quarter Titania or Resene Eighth Thorndon Cream.

December 2020

Q. I am painting a large retaining wall and want a black but just a slightly soft black that doesn't throw much other colour. I don't want blues or greens getting thrown in particular.  Can you suggest a good slightly soft black?

A. I recommend you try Resene Black or Resene All Black.

December 2020

Q. We would love to paint our old villa white over the Xmas holidays and have no idea which white would be best. Hoping you can help!

A. These following  'whites' are slightly coloured  and allow for you to use a true white – Resene White – for all decorative detailing to add the crisp contrast. Try Resene Black White, Resene Sea Fog, Resene Eighth Thorndon Cream or Resene Half Villa White.

The last two suggestions are slightly warmer in tone than the first two suggestions.

December 2020

Q. I need to repaint our house interior and want it to be more reflective of light. Currently ceilings, walls, doors and trims are all various shades of Resene Flotsam and it seems dark in winter. Curtains are grey so need to tone with that. What range of whites/greys can you suggest?

A. Some options for the walls might be these greyed/whites – Resene Wan White, Resene House White or Resene Sea Fog.

Perhaps one of the following slightly grey tinged whites may work better for you for ceilings and all painted woodwork – Resene Half Wan White, Resene Half Black White or Resene Alabaster.

December 2020

Q. Do you have colour way suggestions for the exterior of a NZ 1920s bungalow? Looking for inspiration.

A. You might check out the following options – option 1, try Resene Double Villa White as your main colour with Resene Quarter Villa White for window frames/sashes, door frames, under soffits, barge boards, fascias, Resene Thorndon Cream for trims and Resene Red Planet for the roof. Or option 3, try Resene Triple Black White as your main colour with Resene White for window frames/sashes, door frames, under soffits, barge boards, fascias, Resene Eighth Ironsand for trims and Resene Ironsand for the roof.

Resene Eighth Ironsand

December 2020

Q. I am looking at a colour for my wardrobe doors. The apartment is open plan and upstairs I have black painted floorboards and my walls are Resene Half Black White.  I have had some long black door handles made (1.25m).  At first, I was going to paint the doors an off white but am now thinking a black? 

A. Do you want masses of darkness, atmosphere and drama or do you want the apartment to look very large and light? If it is the latter then perhaps one of the following blacks may appeal to you – Resene Double Cod Grey, Resene Nero or true standard black – Resene Black.

If you want a light, large apartment then the following may appeal to you – Resene Triple Black White or Resene House White.

The door to the bathroom could be painted the same as the main wall colour – but in Resene Lustacryl semi-gloss waterborne enamel – if you want it to merge in and not be a feature. It would be a sheen difference not a colour difference.

However, if you would prefer it to be a  feature that relates to the wardrobe doors, then it could be painted the same colour as the wardrobes.

December 2020

Q. I have to decide on a garage door colour before I have even thought about my weatherboard house colour!  I have ordered white aluminium windows and was hoping to go for a dark grey almost black colour for the house. I want a warm colour.  Do you think it would be too hot in summer if I went dark? I need something that would match the garage door. At this stage I quite like FlaxPod. I haven't thought of the roof colour yet.  I'm usually an Ironsand type of gal.

A. COLORSTEEL® FlaxPod is a good choice for the roof as well as the garage door. The Resene match to FlaxPod is called Resene Element.

The following are some interesting colours that you might consider using for the main house colour – Resene Friar Greystone, Resene Eighth Ironsand, Resene Taupe Grey, Resene Pravda, Resene Quarter Evolution or Resene Double Truffle.

These are available as a CoolColour, which is designed with special pigment technology to help reflect more heat and keep the paint and surfaces cooler.

December 2020

Q. We want to paint our cladding which is monolith and currently painted in Resene Pearl Lusta. The roof is terracotta. We love the colour but my wife wants to change to something less yellow e.g. Resene Half Pearl Lusta.

A. Yes you could use a lighter version of Resene Pearl Lusta – try Resene Quarter Pearl Lusta or a colour that has less yellow in it – Resene Quarter Villa White.

December 2020

Q. We would like Grey Friars for our roof and white window/door joinery and facings. We are thinking of a grey on the walls (Linea) that is darker than the roof.  We wondered about Resene Fuscous Grey for the walls but think it has the wrong shades in it.  Would you be able to recommend a colour that suits?

A. You are right about the undertones of colour in Resene Fuscous Grey – plus it isn't darker than Grey Friars.

A darker colour that relates well to the steel blue charcoal tones of the Grey Friars might be one of the following – Resene Foundry, Resene Cinder, Resene Cod Grey or Resene Double Cod Grey.

December 2020

Q. We are currently planning a new kitchen in our 1930s traditional brick bungalow. The area is open plan and attached to a living room with lots of Rimu timber panelling and there will be a new dining space and entry. The area has good light. We were thinking Melteca winter sky for the kitchen cabinetry with a white toned stone bench. We haven’t decided on a splashback as yet. Any suggestions for a wall colour for the entire area? How would Resene Half Duck Egg be? Or would that make the area too blue? The ceilings will be white. The floor will be timber laminate, probably mid toned.

A. I am not 100% certain about Resene Half Duck Egg Blue. It may look a wee bit too grey with the rest of your palette. Another very pretty blue colour that is worth checking out is Resene Slipstream. It is a warm light blue/green colour. Alternatively you might check out Resene Quarter Emerge which is a watery green edged – almost blue colour and very delicate and pretty.

If you take the time to carefully test the colours by painting all of the test pot [ 2 coats ] onto A2.

Resene Slipstream

December 2020

Q. What are the current most popular bathroom colours at the moment?

A. Soft watery blues, aquas and greys are still very popular as is the 'white on white' bathroom. The following are some colours that you might check out – Resene Half Duck Egg Blue, Resene Slipstream, Resene White Island, Resene Sea Fog or Resene Black White.

December 2020

Q. I have recently installed a new garage door in FlaxPod/Element. What colour exterior house wall/ brick, fence and roof would you suggest? The two storey house was built in the 1980s. It has bronze/aluminium joinery, reddish/orange brick on the bottom front and a light green decramastic tile roof.

A. If you were to have the roof painted Resene Element (this is the Resene match to COLORSTEEL® FlaxPod) it would tie in nicely with the new garage doors. You could do the same colour on the fence – that may be a good choice.

If you are painting the bricks, you might consider one of the following colours – Resene Half Craigieburn, Resene Bone White or Resene Albescent White.

December 2020

Q. I have a red roof at my marae and am preparing to paint the exterior. Do you have any colour recommendations that go with a red roof, black doors, decking and white interior?

A. The doors (black) could have a wee bit more made of them by making them seen wider. This  can be achieved  by ruler and pencil drawn 'frames'  that could be painted black – Resene All Black. This colour is a match to the COLORSTEEL® Ebony. You don't have to do this but you might. It is an illusion of the entry door being larger and  creating a wide, welcoming portal.

The following suggestions might provide options for the main colour – a rich colour for the exterior could be one of the following – Resene Muka or a paler colour, Resene Spanish White.

For under the veranda roof and the barge boards, posts and fascias a whiter type of colour might be used – Resene Quarter Wheatfield or if a richer colour was preferred – try Resene Waiwherowhero.

December 2020

Q. I've painted some walls in Resene Rice Cake and am wondering what would be the best colour to use on the ceilings?

A. You could use the palest variant of Resene Rice Cake – i.e.  Resene Eighth Rice Cake. Or you could use a standard white – i.e. Resene White. You can see from the colour codes that they are similar in depth/brightness. Either will provide the clean crisp contrast that will help to enhance the wall colour.

December 2020

Q. I am looking for a Resene White to do my kitchen cupboards in a gloss finish. They were originally in Resene Biscotti, but I think a white or neutral would be a more modern look in my coastal home. I currently have Resene Soapstone on the walls, white shutters and a dark grain wooden floor. I wonder about Resene Half Black White. 

A. I like your idea of Resene Half Black White but I am slightly concerned about it looking a wee bit grey/cool. It might do so compared to the warm undertones of the wall colour – Resene Soapstone.

Of course you could repaint your walls to a less warm toned colour. Is that what you had in mind? If that was the case then the walls could be Resene Quarter Surrender which might work well with Resene Half Black White.

An alternative white that may work well with the existing wall colour could be Resene Alabaster.

December 2020

Q. What is the best colour to paint the pine fence and planter boxes? The house is Resene Half Concrete with a Grey Friars roof. The shed is more of a cream than a white. The other fences are Ebony. A dark colour spa will go next to the shed so I want to be careful that this area is not too dark. What deck stain colour would you recommend to tie it all in nicely, the current one is too red?

A. Stain is a 'see through' coating – it doesn't totally block out previous colours. So any new stain colour will be influenced by the previous colour. Careful testing of a new colour over the existing colour in a not obvious place is recommended. You might try one of these colour stains – Resene Woodsman Sheer Black, Resene Woodsman Bleached Cedar or Resene Woodsman English Walnut.

The pine fence and the planter boxes – the same colour so it isn't too busy – might be painted one of the following colours – Resene Grey Friars or a softer lighter variant – Resene Half Grey Friars. Or a pale colour – Resene Triple Concrete. This is a deeper – but not dark – variant of the main house colour so a distinct contrast will be seen.

In regard the shed – if it is the 'odd man out' colour wise it can always be painted to match the house.

December 2020

Q. We are doing an all house reno, with an industrial theme, with black exposed steel beams, polished floors, some accent colours via a barn door, artwork and light shades, FlaxPod windows but black accents in wall lights etc. What should we choose for the wall colour – Resene Black White or Resene Alabaster?

A. Either white would work but Resene Black White may be slightly better.

December 2020

Q. I’m looking for paint colours for my 13 year old son’s bedroom.  He thinks he wants something like lime green and a bright, warm blue.  I’m not convinced this could work... do you have any ideas?

A. These colours may appeal with your son and you – option 1, try Resene Fresh and Resene Discover, option 2 – try Resene Kryptonite and Resene She’ll Be Right or option 3, Resene Hypnotic/Resene Retreat.

All colours in an interior can look twice the depth or brightness that you may imagine they will do. Sometimes one feature wall and a painted piece of furniture is enough to make a statement.

December 2020

Q. I am looking to paint the inside of my home in a light grey and I would like some suggestions as to what colours may be considered as a ‘warm’ grey. It's a beach house, so light is a positive.

A. Greys are quixotic and changeable. Warm greys usually feature undertones of brown, green, red or yellow.  Because of those warmer undertones they can be seen as a 'colour' and less of a grey.

The following are some that you might check out to see if they appeal to you – Resene Quill Grey, Resene Half Cloud, Resene Eighth Tea, Resene Whiteout, Resene Half Concrete, Resene Quarter Rakaia or Resene Mercury.

The following are greyed whites which may also be worth checking out – Resene Triple Sea Fog or Resene Triple Black White.

December 2020

Q. We recently purchased our first home and we are not fans of the red and green exterior colour scheme it has. We would like to paint the house this summer and are after some inspiration. We were thinking perhaps of a dark blue with white accents. We enjoy quite neutral and classic colour combinations. Do you have any advice on colour combinations we could consider?

A. You might consider one of the following blues – lighter and deeper – the deeper could take the place of the green on the house or vice versa – try Resene Quarter New Denim Blue with Resene New Denim Blue, Resene Biscay with Resene Blue Night or Resene Escapade with Resene Cello.

Any white might be used as accents but the following are  a cool white and a warmer white – Resene Poured Milk and Resene Double Alabaster.

Resene Poured Milk

December 2020

Q. If I paint my walls in Resene Black White would Resene Quarter Black White go ok on trims and ceiling? Would there be a visible contrast between the two colours? I want a contrast but still fresh warm whitish/fresh walls.

A. Colours on a ceiling always look slightly deeper or shaded because of the angle and the way the light plays on it. For example – Resene Quarter Black White may look like Resene Half Black White.

If you want to see a distinct contrast you may need to use one of the following – Resene Eighth Black White or even true white – Resene White.

December 2020

Q. I’d like to create a rainbow using Resene colours. Which colours do you recommend?

A. I recommend you try these colours – Resene Havoc, Resene Adrenalin, Resene Happy, Resene Left Field, Resene Resolution Blue, Resene Deep Koamaru or Resene Sassy.

December 2020

Q. We have Resene Nocturnal on the base of our house and are looking at Resene Breeze for the main colour – are these colours complementary?

A. Resene Nocturnal is a warm – slightly earthy – charcoal. Usually any colour will work with charcoal. Resene Breeze is a very delicate aqua influenced colour. If you wanted a charcoal that enhanced the watery undertones of Resene Breeze you might check out Resene Grey Friars which has steel blue undertones.

December 2020

Q. I want to repaint my apartment. Looking at all white (warm), perhaps two different whites for ceilings and walls.

A. The following whites might work for you – Resene Double Alabaster for walls and Resene Half Alabaster for ceilings. Or Resene Half Rice Cake for walls and Resene Eighth Rice Cake for ceilings.

December 2020

Q. We have got a black house and need our roof painted. Are there any colours that you can recommend for this? When looking for images online, a majority is black or dark grey-would this be the most common?

A. Yes, I think the black and grey look is very dominant at the moment. Very occasionally – and quite some time ago – I had seen black houses with a green roof – Resene Permanent Green or a red oxide roof – Resene Pioneer Red. The look was somewhat country influenced and almost traditional. I haven't seen that recently.

A pale grey roof might be considered – Resene Atmosphere, a mid-tone – Resene Gauntlet or deeper but not dark – Resene Windswept.

December 2020

Q. We are about to commence a thorough renovation of an old two storey brick 1920s home in Timaru.  We are planning on two major rooms to commence the project. The first is a dark wooden panelled hallway we plan to paint white – which white do we use? Some say Resene Alabaster is too cold but we rather like it! Or Resene Villa White, Resene Sea Fog or even Resene Thorndon? The second is a lounge we are planning on painting Resene Navigate. Although I personally like skirting the same colour, my husband prefers white on skirtings, windows/doors and the central wooden fire surround. What white would you suggest? At this stage we are looking at Resene Double Alabaster.

A. Have you considered painting the wooden panelling in the hallway Resene Double Alabaster (Quarter Sea Fog)? That could work well especially as you are considering using the same colour in the lounge for all the wooden trims, windows, doors, fireplace etc. It keeps the look simple and related harmoniously.

Alternatively if you wanted a white with a slightly warm/bright undertone then you could consider using Resene Eighth Thorndon Cream. It would be used the same way I have indicated and it does look good with Resene Navigate.

December 2020

Q. I would like to know what would be the next tonal colour deeper than Resene Triple White Pointer?

A. There isn't a direct pathway to a deeper tonal variant of Resene Triple White Pointer. But you might check out the following to see if one of them appear – to your eye – as an acceptable deeper tone – Resene Double Truffle, Resene Quarter Pravda or Resene Eighth Stonewall.

December 2020

Q. We are about to paint a small meeting room (East facing). The rest of our commercial building is generally Resene Bianca or Resene Half Bianca with ceilings in Resene Alabaster and trims in Resene Truffle. The carpet is quite a dark grey.

We would like to repaint the meeting room in a warmer neutral colour, not too yellowy, so that it is still complementary to the rest of the building (until such time as we reconsider paint across the building). 

A. You might consider using a lighter variant of the trim colour – Resene Truffle, Resene Quarter Truffle or Resene Eighth Truffle.

Or alternatively you might use the lighter colour already featured in your building – Resene Half Bianca – as it will lighten/brighten the east facing room when the sunlight is replaced with shadow.

December 2020

Q. What colour would be good to use on external soffits if I am painting my house Resene Coriander?

A. Because soffits – generally speaking – are under the overhang of the roof  they aren't usually highlighted. Sometimes – rarely – they are painted to match the main colour on the house. Sometimes the common default colour of Resene White is chosen. Sometimes – especially if there are other lighter colours featured on the house – i.e. windows surrounds – then that colour is used.

The following are some coloured whites that you might consider – Resene Rice Cake or Resene Quarter Thorndon Cream.

December 2020

Q. We have an old villa with a Resene Pioneer Red roof and the main colour is Resene Merino (white) We are painting the balustrades white and wanted a green to paint the veranda, the steps and windows but cannot seem to find the correct green! Can you help us please?

A. Resene Merino is an earthy/pale stone colour and certain greens make it look dull and a bit grey. The following all work well with it and you might like to check them out – Resene Triple Merino, Resene Copyrite, Resene Castle Rock, Resene Cobblestone, Resene Quarter Karaka, Resene Half Karaka or Resene Eternity.

December 2020

Q. We are renovating this rather neglected 1940s farm cottage. I would like to paint the exterior a dark colour and surround it with trees so that is a retreat which blends with the landscape. I'm worried that it could look not suited to the style.

A. Some mid tones and deep colours for the house and roof might be one of the following options – option 1, try Resene Overland for the main colour with Resene Quarter Ecru White for window sashes/surrounds/sills, under soffits, barge boards, guttering fascias, door frames, pergola and posts and Resene Scrub for the roof. Or option 2, try Resene Friar Greystone for the main colour with Resene Merino for the window sashes/surrounds/sills, under soffits, barge boards, guttering fascias, door frames, pergola and posts and Resene Rustic Red for the roof. Or option 3, try Resene Eighth Ironsand for the main colour with Resene Thorndon Cream for window sashes/surrounds/sills, under soffits, barge boards, guttering fascias, door frames, pergola and posts and Resene Ironsand for the roof.

December 2020

Q. I am redecorating the interior of a nineties home with Karaka joinery exterior. I’m considering brass door handles throughout. I want white walls. Which white should I do? To me Resene Wan White is nice but a bit darker than I had hoped. I’m considering Resene Half Sea Fog, could that work? I’m also considering a very dark feature wall up the stairs on one side. I’m looking at Resene Fuscous Grey, which I think I like. What do you think of feature walls? Does this colour sound right? What colour should we paint the railing? It’s currently wood with black fixtures.

A. I like Resene Half Sea Fog – it could definitely work well.  A slightly warmer white that also could look good with brass handles and Karaka joinery might be Resene Eighth Thorndon Cream.

Resene Fuscous Grey is a lovely warm toned burnt charcoal. It is a good choice for a feature colour. I like features whether they are painted walls, wallpaper or any large scale artwork that creates drama and a focal point. 

Unless you absolutely hate the stair railings, I would be inclined to leave them as is. But if you are intent of changing them with paint you must decide whether you want to make a feature of them (by painting a very definite colour) or to merge them in by painting the same as the walls but in a semi-gloss enamel. That would be a sheen difference not a colour difference. 

December 2020

Q. We want to paint our white house a green or white colour, not too dark. The colour needs to go well with a tin blue roof.

A. The following are some greens that you might consider – Resene Spanish Green, Resene Green Spring, Resene Rainee, Resene Half Coriander or Resene Green White.

All colours on an exterior look much lighter/brighter than you might imagine they will do so it is wise to carefully test them.

December 2020

Q. We have a 1950s weatherboard house, which needs repainting walls and roof. We would like to paint the weatherboards either Resene Terrain (probably) or Resene Bud (possibly). What colours would you suggest we consider for the roof, window trim and deck balustrades and fences?

A. The following suggestions may be a start point for you to check out – for the roof you could try Resene Windswept, Resene Canyon or Resene Ironsand.

Fences, deck balustrades and window trims might be the same as the roof colour or alternatively one of the following – Resene Dark Web, Resene Gordons Green or Resene Element.

December 2020

Q. We are painting our house. It is L shaped. We are using Resene Noir on one wing, would Resene Double Stack complement this? We have black joinery.

A. Resene Noir looks very nice with Resene Double Stack. Perhaps you might check out another deep grey and compare it with Resene Double Stack and Resene Noir – just to confirm the rightness of your colour choice – try Resene Quarter Fuscous Grey.

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