Living rooms Today’s living rooms are often open spaces that link through to dining and kitchen areas. Knowing where to start and finish the colour scheme between each part of an open plan space can be very difficult. There are two techniques that you can use: • Paint a feature area in an area between the two adjoining rooms or spaces to create a natural colour break. • Use a progression of colours, then paint a unifying colour throughout the spaces and accent with the other progressional colours. Living rooms are the ideal place to create focal points or feature areas. Traditionally fireplaces acted as the focal point of most living rooms. If you don’t have a fireplace, select a focal point for your room and decorate around that.The focal point may be a feature area, lounge suite or similar. As living rooms are usually subject to less wear and tear than family rooms, you can choose light and dark colours if desired. Remember no matter what room you are painting, artificial lighting can be used very successfully to complement your colour scheme and it is worth reviewing your lighting plan prior to painting. Right: Walls in Resene Rascal (try Resene Half Rickshaw for another option), floor in Resene Quarter Sandspit Brown, sideboard in Resene Gumboot, shelf in Resene Half Biscotti, and side tables in Resene Dusted Blue and Resene Spanish White. 26 |